First Sheaths In Over a Year

Dec 17, 2003
Hi, Felt great working with leather again, been away from it due to health stuff.

Made the carved sheath first but messed up the layout almost immediately, by the time I caught it the Barge was set and I was stuck (pardon the pun :)) with an out of place inlay. It doesn't bother me much anymore but sure didn't make me happy when I first noticed it :grumpy:
I don't like not finishing something plus I needed the practice from being away so I finished it. I wanted the customer to have one OK sheath so I also made him a basic pouch sheath, now he'll have 2 sheaths for 1 knife.

Critique, advice, questions, always welcome,




Okay, my friend, this time I see what you are talking about, although I doubt very many other people can catch it. Having said that, it is sooooo minor that I would have given it a pass and sent it on even with my strict standards.

Your finish work as it relates to color is becoming absolutely fantastic!!!! If I wasn't so dead set against dye I'd be begging for lessons. Your finish work other than color was already perfect so any comment there would be redundant.

Your carving is superb. I guess a swivel knife that really swivels is better, huh?

Your stitching, and I know it is by hand is completely, absolutely perfect and very tight to the inch, and your over all design is great too, and that my friend is what I have come to expect from you so over all I'd say (with you in mind) that they are average. You never cease to amaze me, David.

edited to add: I see you got a number 5 creaser. Good on you!!!

Very very nice! I really like the antique on the pouch. :) Simplicity, to me, is a great attractor.
David, it is so good to see you back on track again. My friend Paul has said it as nicely as ever I could! The creaser is a nice touch!!! Sandy
Thanks you guys!!

Paul, It does help to have a swivel knife that actually swivels. I remember how frustrating it was when I was trying to just cut a basic outline with the knife I had, night and day difference after you sent me a good knife!! I love my #5 creaser:) but I still use the custom groover backwards also.

Hey Sandy! Hope you had a great time! I finally listened to you, broke down and bought the creaser....wish I did it sooner, I love how it finishes the edge!
Very nice work! :thumbup: (I can clearly see the influence of my favorite sheath maker in the world - Paul Long. You may have heard of him? ;) )
great sheaths, what did you use to preserve them? and where do you get thje leather?
You are amazingly talented! I am thrilled that you are back to doing what you love, sweet Friend!!!
great sheaths, what did you use to preserve them? and where do you get thje leather?
I used neatsfoot oil (light coat) before dyeing, dyed while oil still damp. When sheath was finished I applied Neat-Lac, after that dried I applied a couple coats of Fiebing's Tan-Kote, also sprayed the inside of the sheath with Tan-Kote.
I used Hermann Oak leather for the 2 sheaths but for less $ I like Wickett & Craig (sp?) leather better, don't get me wrong.....this Hermann Oak is very nice leather to work with and carve.

Hi Sheila!

Thanks again you guys!!
Well guys I am the lucky recipient of Dave’s latest fantastic workmanship.
The knife and sheaths came in on Friday. After 24 hours looking at the three pieces I can only say WOW.

I know Dave said that he was unhappy with the carved sheath and after looking it over from top to bottom I see nothing I am unhappy with. Both of the sheaths hold the knife tightly but release without having to yank. I would put either of these up against any other maker out there.

The knife is something else. I have another of Dave’s knives and his fit and finish is second to none. I haven't had a chance to cut something yet, other than testing the edge on paper. It shaved thin curls from the edge of free hanging copy paper. So this one cuts as good as she looks. Can’t wait to try this one out in the kitchen and out camping.

Dave thanks for another great knife package. Look forward to what is coming next.

If you are looking for a great knife from a fantastic person give Dave a shout. Just leave me a spot in the line. I think I need one of his folders.
Dave, this may be a stupid question, but did the leather for the carved one with belt loop come with the flesh side so nice? In that I mean not all fibrous and coarse.

Dave, this may be a stupid question, but did the leather for the carved one with belt loop come with the flesh side so nice? In that I mean not all fibrous and coarse.


Shawn, the only stupid question is the one you fail to ask. The carved sheath is fully lined and as such would have only the grain side of the leather exposed inside and out................So the flesh side is totally hidden.

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