Fitting knives in Spec Ops Sheaths

Jun 7, 2007
I just got a new Specs Ops Sheath for my Busse Fusion Steel Heart. I would like to know how you guys get them to fit with the Kydex liner? I seen a lot of pics here with the FSH and ASH with the Spec Ops sheath's. I heard using a hairdryer or steaming them. Do you wrap the blade in something before you do this?

First, take the kydex liner out. The screw at the bottom is what holds it in.

If it's too loose, which is how mine was for my BATAC, heat it with a hair dryer and slowly bend it a little more, and squeeze together to crimp it down a little bit. This will probably be slow going, and you'll have to try several times. Eventually you'll get it tight enough and then just put the sleeve back in, and you're done.

I like using the hairdryer because it didn't really heat the kydex up enough to melt it, even getting the dryer up close. The dryer actually shut off a couple times, but the kydex was still okay.

I did not tape the blade for this.

If it's too tight, here's what I did with a regular kydex sheath, so it should work the same way: I taped the blade, put the sheath in the oven at 250 degrees for a few minutes, took it out and tried inserting the blade. Didn't fit. So I repeated that several more times until I was able to get the blade in with moderate difficulty. Then I figured I was done, so I cooled the sheath, untaped the blade, and it fit very well.
Cool,,,thanks. I don't have a hairdyer so I will use the oven method. I also heard of steaming it too. Thanks again
I had very little luck with Spec-Ops sheaths molding at all. They seemed to like their original shape to me. So to fit bigger blades, I've gotten to dremelling out the spine of the sheath a bit. Works great.
I've fit the ones I own with a custom Kydex liner. If you would like I can fit yours for a small fee.:thumbup:

Maybe I should offer that as a service on my web site!!:foot:
I went custom too, simple fold over open back, easy to too but takes a little time to get right if you don't know what you are doing - like me...


Thanks for the tips guys.

My knife looks exactly like foxyrick's so I may have to use his method.