Fixed the izula problems... updated with new pics

Jan 6, 2009
Well my wife purchased an izula for christmas. Thought i would love it but it just never felt right in the hand. Tried it bare, and with cord wrap and decided that if i was going to put scales on it why do the micarta like everyone else. So after purchasing a drill press and craftsman 2X42 belt sander plus a few odds and ends i have my izula how i want her. Stripped the coating off first. Then squared up the spine so it will throw sparks on misch metal and standard ferro rods like crazy. Then decided that since this was my first woodworking project ever to use some cheaper scales. So went to woodcraft and picked up some cocobolo and brass rod. Wanted something more like burl and mosaic pins but hey, there are more knife handles in store from me. Well i will let the pics speak for themselves. Please put in any good and or bad comments as i am really wanting to learn and improve in any way possible. BTW i still have just a small amount of final hand sanding but it is pretty much close to done. Also the leather sheath is coming this week when i get the time as well as the patina and finish sanding the blade and polishing the convex back up to 12,000 grit.


Here are updated pics with the patina finished and the final shaping done on the scales with final sanding up to 2000 grit with mineral oil and then buffed in bees wax for a nice soft finish. the pics don't do it justice.



At this point i am thinking about possibly trying to get to the point i can do some handles for other people... I am not a business and not sure if this would constitute a sale per bladeforums but what i would like to try and work out is in order to get myself more experience, if anyone would like scales on an izula or other esee i would do it for cost of the materials only.
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Wow dude. I don't believe I've seen anyone do custom handles for the IZULA like that... looks real sharp. I bet it feels great in hand!

Can't wait to see what else you have in store for us ;)
nice job, they sure do look comfy! If you really wanted an old woodsman looking blade you can take a file to the jimping...
I love cocobolo wood!

It looks real nice, your scales cover the entire handle, which is probably more comfy than the standard micarta ones.

But the coating looks like its been worn off, and not like its been stripped. Maybe its the lighting in the pics??

Anyways, good work!
wow, that looks great. i did some similar to those in g10. good learning experience and a real fun project. i prefer the full scales to the esee 1/2 scales. not trying to hijack but here is a pic

Superb mod!

I'm glad you didn't get the mosaic pins, I much prefer the brass rods on a working knife.

Keep up the great work
wow, that looks great. i did some similar to those in g10. good learning experience and a real fun project. i prefer the full scales to the esee 1/2 scales. not trying to hijack but here is a pic


I can't tell by looking at your pic... did you manage to checker the G-10 or improve the grip in any way? Or is it just slick G-10?
I can't tell by looking at your pic... did you manage to checker the G-10 or improve the grip in any way? Or is it just slick G-10?

its still slick, i polished it starting with 800 down to 2000 then polishing compound with a felt wheel. this was a 1st try and not going to be the ones that stay on here. i am hoping to pic up some more supplies this weekend for another set.
Izula is really a great knife. Love mine.

if you like what you did - then congrats!

That's still a tough little ant- work it hard and beat on it! :)
OP, Nice.. love the wood.. IMO it isn't as versatile as the scales aren't removable like the micarta's nor does it provide the grip..

Skinz, nice color (one of my favs for a woodstool) you need a lanyard !! and a little texture to make absolutely perfect..