For Dagger fans........

Jul 27, 2003
I had a few minutes this morning and thought I'd toss up a few pictures from a Dagger I'm building.
Later on there'll be some hot-bluing going on, twisted wrought iron, nickel silver, etc.
For now this is what I've got:

Awesome Karl! Do I smell an MS stamp on your horizon?
looking good!
That is not only good execution, but a pretty design. I look forward to seeing this one..........and the next........
U R Da Man Karl

You stuff always is a pleasure to look at.
"For now this is what I've got"

What the?!!!

The tang is so cool I don't want you to cover it up with a handle!!
Nice blade you've got there. :) Can't wait to see it all done. You've got to post some finished pics when you're done Karl. :D Please!!!