Found a bunch of elk sheds (antlers)

Mar 6, 2008
I keep finding elk sheds around my off grid cabin, not far from Madoc, Ontario. I understand they can be used for handles. Any knife makers in Ontario interested in doing something with one of them?

Man, that's great! If I was up in your area, I would jump on that! Nice finds, and great offer.
The end of the crowns are often sawed off about 1/2" thick and made into belt buckles.
The simplest way is to get a belt buckle blank from ebay or Tandy and mount the slice on it. You can also make the fittings for the belt out of 10 gauge wire and epoxy them in holes drilled in the slice to fit. The solid back is stronger. If you are adept at silver soldering, you can make a solid back from nickel silver sheet and wire. You can also take a cheap yard sale or thrift store belt buckle and grind down the top to fit your end slice.

The antler end can be left raw, carved, dyed, inlaid with a silver dollar or your initials, etc..

Here is what a basic back blank looks like:
Do you recommend stabilizing antlers for any purpose like we do wood ?