Frustrated with social media suppression? Sign this petition

Forged in Patagonia

Forged in Patagonia
Dec 4, 2020
Knifemakers: are you tired of having your content suppressed on platforms like Facebook, Instagram and/or Tiktok just because you make knives?

Have you set your account to be seen only by people 18 years or older?

Then you might be interested in this online petition demanding the end of discrimination on social media. Check it out — if it resonates with you, please consider adding your name.

The more signatures we gather, the more pressure we put on Facebook’s Oversight Board and other decision-making bodies that decide what does or does not violate community guidelines on social media. We recognize that many of us are being hurt economically by the stance of social media and are demanding restitution. Please stand with us.

Non-knifemakers and/or knife enthusiasts, please sign as well! Currently, the community guidelines on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok prevent our content from being shown to non-followers on the basis that any blade that is not explicitly used in the kitchen is violent. We disagree. We believe that rule is too broad, hurting small businesses like our own and millions of others.

Let’s stand together on this. Let’s demand a social media policy that respects us as artisans and businesspeople contributing positively to the societies we live in.


  • Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 5.52.31 PM.png
    Screenshot 2024-07-13 at 5.52.31 PM.png
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Just my 2 cents, but I really don't see how Meta owes us anything. If they don't feel the need to recommend our content (or countless other industries other than knifemakers), then that's their prerogative. Doesn't exactly seem like suppression to me. They're not saying that we can't post pics of knives, they're just choosing not to recommend them via their own algorithm, which is just a CYA move. But I already dislike social media in general and only use it because I feel like it's obligatory in this day and age, so I'm admittedly biased.
I 100% disagree. This is a free speech issue, and I get that they are a private company. But they are acting in collusion with our government and other governments (and other Silicon Valley tech companies) to censor anything, and I mean anything "they" disagree with, and all of that has come to light. We all have seen that conservative, pro America, pro God, pro hunting, pro Patriotism, pro Republic is being censored, and I for one do not stand with the rhetoric and "algorithms" that does such. Someone has to program the algorithms, and it's not just the low level people. It's every single platform. Other than yelling, "Fire" in a crouded theater and such, I am a free speech absolutist. That is exactly what the 1st ammendment is all about....not to protect the speech you agree with, but the speech that you do not agree with.

When Meta/IG/TT and these other social media companies collude with the government to censor Americans, it is the very exact definition of fascism, and I want it to stop, immediately. These "algorithms" are affecting people's income. I will not remain silent about this issue, or many other like it. This is not at all, by any means, just about not showing hunting or tactical knives to non followers, and we all know it. Or at least we should be getting it by now.