Government issues tips for possible pandemic

The newest issue of Backwoods Home magazine has an excellent article on Bird Flu (and some of the media hype around it) and pandemics in general.

It's one of the better articles I seen written by a layman on virus'.
The Last Confederate said:
The newest issue of Backwoods Home magazine has an excellent article on Bird Flu (and some of the media hype around it) and pandemics in general.

It's one of the better articles I seen written by a layman on virus'.

Can you scan it in and post it (with proper attribution)?
Citori said:
How does one stockpile prescription drugs?

You ask your doctor to write a bigass prescription for you. When you drop it off to have it filled, tell the pharmacy staff you will be paying in cash, so don't send any requests for approval through your insurance company. No insurance would approve such a request. We are on our own -- as usual -- to pay for what we need.
Citori said:
How does one stockpile prescription drugs?
You can have your MD write the prescription with "disp 3 month supply" and there are some mail order places that will dispense 3-6 month supplies and bill through insurance.
cardimon said:
Can you scan it in and post it (with proper attribution)?

Nope, first it's several pages, and it's copyrighted.

Any Barnes & Noble should stock Backwoods Home.
cardimon said:
You ask your doctor to write a bigass prescription for you. When you drop it off to have it filled, tell the pharmacy staff you will be paying in cash, so don't send any requests for approval through your insurance company. No insurance would approve such a request. We are on our own -- as usual -- to pay for what we need.

Most insurance companies will pay for 90 days worth of generic or preferred prescription medicines - You probably will have to pay 3 co-pays though. Some companies also allow mail-ordered 90 supplies to be covered.
Larry in Bend said:
Most insurance companies will pay for 90 days worth of generic or preferred prescription medicines - You probably will have to pay 3 co-pays though. Some companies also allow mail-ordered 90 supplies to be covered.

Didn't know that. Thanks for the head's up.
LSkylizard said:
I think the bigger probalem will be after the pandemic...if there ever is one...again

I would politely disagree with you on this point. The bigger problem, as I see it, would be when governmental bodies would try to restrict travel or institute any sort of quarantine. Our economy depends on free travel. Interfere with that and I predict we'd enter a slowdown if not a recession. Just my two cents.
cardimon said:
...The bigger problem, as I see it, would be when governmental bodies would try to restrict travel or institute any sort of quarantine...we'd enter a slowdown if not a recession. Just my two cents.
You may be right about the recession. I think everyone has their opinion on this matter.

I view it this way:
1. If it is going to happen in true pandemic fashion it will be felt by all nations.
2. If it is going to is going to happen.
3. I suspect all countries will institute travel restrictions.
4. If it happens as suspected, the elderly, the very young, the health compromised will die in very high numbers.
5. Consider what will happen to the economy if all nursing homes went out of business?
6. Consider the impact on the economy if you all but eliminated the booming medication industry...AIDS patient treatment, cancer patient treatment, cystic fibrosis patient treatment, heart failure patient treatment, dialysis patient treatment, transplant patient treatments...etc... the list is very long. Numerous industries are sustained by these populations.
7. Transportation will resume. However, you will not quickly restore this massive consumer base made up of the sick and heavy healthcare usage populations
8. As the economy and society starts to recover, people will point out how much "surplus" health dollars we have now that these unfortunates have all rapidly died! Suddenly this "surplus" will be reallocated.
9. Problem is the sick population will return and now "their" funds will be tied into other issues/programs/entitlements...maybe dental care for all? maybe free college for all? The government will not take back these new services funded by the windfall from the mass deaths. They will just massively regrow the spending!
10. you will also loose a good number of healthcare workers from janitors, nurses, clerks, physicians, med-students, residents...leaving a greater shortage of providers in already underserved areas. It is getting harder to convince people to go into medicine or do some of the rigorous training in subspecialties. The re-imbursement is rapidly decreasing. How many people do you think want to go into a career that on top of decreasing salary, long hours, very long training, malpractice insurance, lawyers also high death rate from pandemics???

As I said, transportation will resume. you can potentially subsidize to some degree some businesses hurt by the transportation block and potentially bail-out some of those same industries. You can NOT subsidize the obliterated healthcare consumer base....and that is a many, many billion dollar industry from durable goods to pharmaceuticals to toilet paper stocks in the hospitals!

I think the bigger probalem will be after the pandemic...if there ever is one...again:D