Gunny Juice Diamond Emulsion Review.

Apr 3, 2013
I'm friends with Scott Gunn the owner of Gunny Juice and I knew about his emulsion's for a while before they came out and he was still working out some of the detail's on his emulsion's.

I want to start off by saying that I was given 3 sample's free of charge for review and also because me and Scott do favors for each other back and forth,I told Scott if I reviewed his emulsion's and I didn't like them I would say so and he said that's the way he wanted my review to be.

What's different about this emulsion from other emulsion's that are on the market now,first off the filtering process is much tighter then other emulsion's and so there are less stray big particle's floating around in the emulsion's that slipped threw during the filtering process.This emulsion is also used in the making of medical device's from what I understand and the diamond content is added to Scott's desired amount.

The second and most interesting thing about Gunny Juice is that the diamonds are deionized.

Why is it a big deal that the diamonds are deionized,there is an effect when it comes to any particle that is 1 micron and smaller where the particles clump to together and basically form a a bigger diamond so to speak,when particles are deionized it stop's the diamonds from clumping together resulting in a much better polishing effect.

I tested out the 3 current emulsion's available which are .25 on balsa and .5 and 1 micron on Jende nanocloth strop's.

I also got the chance to try some prototype emulsion of Scott's that is the same fluid but it had half the amount of diamonds and I tried it on Kangaroo leather that was un-sanded and because of the emulsion has deionized water in it as well the emulsion took a few seconds to absorb into the leather,this was not the case with the balsa strop I used and Jende strops which were all brand new.

All I can say is I'm pretty blown away by how well this emulsion works,it really cut and polished fast on my Spyderco Manix 2 in M390 that was sharpened with a Venev 800 grit stone before stropping,I was going for a 100% mirror polish where no scratch's remained just a few scratch's at best.

Right now from Gritomatic and Omaha knife you can buy Gunny Juice in .25 .5 1 micron in 10 15 and 30ml size bottles and in about 30 days or so you will be able to 3 and 6 micron and I'm not sure about 9,I know Scott said 9 micron is going to be added to the line up as well.

The bottles use a vacuum type pump system that works very well and the bottle has no dip tube just a piston in the bottom of the bottle that get's pulled up when you pump it and it comes out in more of a drop and not a mist so there is no over spray and wasting it.

All I can say is once the 3 and 6 micron are released I'm going to be ordering 1 3 and 6 from gritomatic for sure this has impressed me more then any other diamond stropping compound I have ever used.


RadialBladeworks RadialBladeworks I don't think you'll regret buying,I would also try someone Jende Nanocloth strops is you have never tried them they are more durable then leather and do a great job.
I haven't heard from you in a longtime are you still making knives.
Sure glad you finally got tired of adding all those unnecessary apostrophes!
I'm friends with Scott Gunn the owner of Gunny Juice and I knew about his emulsion's for a while before they came out and he was still working out some of the detail's on his emulsion's.

I want to start off by saying that I was given 3 sample's free of charge for review and also because me and Scott do favors for each other back and forth,I told Scott if I reviewed his emulsion's and I didn't like them I would say so and he said that's the way he wanted my review to be.

What's different about this emulsion from other emulsion's that are on the market now,first off the filtering process is much tighter then other emulsion's and so there are less stray big particle's floating around in the emulsion's that slipped threw during the filtering process.This emulsion is also used in the making of medical device's from what I understand and the diamond content is added to Scott's desired amount.

The second and most interesting thing about Gunny Juice is that the diamonds are deionized.

Why is it a big deal that the diamonds are deionized,there is an effect when it comes to any particle that is 1 micron and smaller where the particles clump to together and basically form a a bigger diamond so to speak,when particles are deionized it stop's the diamonds from clumping together resulting in a much better polishing effect.

I tested out the 3 current emulsion's available which are .25 on balsa and .5 and 1 micron on Jende nanocloth strop's.

I also got the chance to try some prototype emulsion of Scott's that is the same fluid but it had half the amount of diamonds and I tried it on Kangaroo leather that was un-sanded and because of the emulsion has deionized water in it as well the emulsion took a few seconds to absorb into the leather,this was not the case with the balsa strop I used and Jende strops which were all brand new.

All I can say is I'm pretty blown away by how well this emulsion works,it really cut and polished fast on my Spyderco Manix 2 in M390 that was sharpened with a Venev 800 grit stone before stropping,I was going for a 100% mirror polish where no scratch's remained just a few scratch's at best.

Right now from Gritomatic and Omaha knife you can buy Gunny Juice in .25 .5 1 micron in 10 15 and 30ml size bottles and in about 30 days or so you will be able to 3 and 6 micron and I'm not sure about 9,I know Scott said 9 micron is going to be added to the line up as well.

The bottles use a vacuum type pump system that works very well and the bottle has no dip tube just a piston in the bottom of the bottle that get's pulled up when you pump it and it comes out in more of a drop and not a mist so there is no over spray and wasting it.

All I can say is once the 3 and 6 micron are released I'm going to be ordering 1 3 and 6 from gritomatic for sure this has impressed me more then any other diamond stropping compound I have ever used.



There are some good polydiamond compounds on the market. They paved the way. Gunny Juice has a more uniform abrasive size, a higher concentration of abrasive, a new deionization process to prevent clumping, an improved nozzle to prevent overspray and splatter, a vacuum bottle to prevent waste, spreads easily and dries quickly... it is the next evolution of premium stropping compounds and it is the highest quality product available. Period. Those are objectively and quantifiable statements. People need to know about this product. In a few years someone may figure out a way to improve upon this compound, but presently it is the best.
Sure glad you finally got tired of adding all those unnecessary apostrophes!

Bill DeShivs Bill DeShivs My spelling isn't the greatest as far as always getting apostrophes right,I had problems in school with spelling and it wasn't the spelling or reading of words but whatever.

I also put an @ Beansandcarrots as well is that to many @ symbols in thread if so I can remove if it would make you happy.

I would think people would just be grateful that people take the time to do honest review of a product,I know a lot on there forum who never put up any reviews.
RadialBladeworks RadialBladeworks I don't think you'll regret buying,I would also try someone Jende Nanocloth strops is you have never tried them they are more durable then leather and do a great job.
I haven't heard from you in a longtime are you still making knives.
Oh dude, my life went upside down at work. Haven’t been in the shop in months. Things have changed recently, however, and I will be in the shop again to produce a new design again within the week! Ergo, I’m lurking in the forums again, looking for excuses to buy more sharpening equipment lol
Oh dude, my life went upside down at work. Haven’t been in the shop in months. Things have changed recently, however, and I will be in the shop again to produce a new design again within the week! Ergo, I’m lurking in the forums again, looking for excuses to buy more sharpening equipment lol

RadialBladeworks RadialBladeworks
What happened with your life going upside down at work is it a good or bad thing.

And to your second comment I would just like to say Well stop making excuses and get your wallet out and buy up all the remaining stock of Gunny Juice.
Wade, I was joking with you- but if in doubt, leave the apostrophe out.
Wade, I was joking with you- but if in doubt, leave the apostrophe out.

Bill DeShivs Bill DeShivs I wasn't sure if you were joking or not Bill and I believe you say were,I'm overly sensitive about it where I worried what ,people think of my grammar I just had a few people online that busted my balls over 1 or 2 mistakes like it was the end the world and when I seen your post I was pretty stressed out over so work stuff.
I'm sure this is a good product, but I have to call BS on the diamonds. How exactly do diamond particles get ionized? Diamonds are about the most chemically stable substances. Chemically stable and ionized are diametrically opposed. A quick Google search tells me that the only way people have been able to ionize diamonds is to bombard them with beta rays.

And if they were ionized, how the heck would you de-ionize them?
I keep trying the 3 micron and .5 micron Gunny juice that I own because it's highly praised by sharpeners I respect, but for whatever reason I consistently get better results with pretty much everything else I've tried. This is doing direct comparisons (or as close as I can get) and BESS testing after each strop. Must be something odd about the way I strop? Also, I don't care about polish. Just looking for the sharpest edge I can get.
FWIW, Bill is a good guy. He meant no harm

I found your post to be easy to read. I’m just glad you used parentheses. My eyes cannot deal with solid blocks of text.
FWIW, Bill is a good guy. He meant no harm

I found your post to be easy to read. I’m just glad you used parentheses. My eyes cannot deal with solid blocks of text.
Not sure to whom you're replying. He meant no harm by making claims about deionizing diamonds?
It is a diamond emulsion.

Everything is cleaned and processed to prevent agglomeration with a high concentration.

I wouldn't get wrapped up in the minutia.
Thanks Shawn. I'm sure it's a great product if you use it. The proprietary diamond deionization seems like snake oil salesman BS. If the product is good, why make false claims? It does not help with credibility.
Thanks Shawn. I'm sure it's a great product if you use it. The proprietary diamond deionization seems like snake oil salesman BS. If the product is good, why make false claims? It does not help with credibility.
Nah Scott Gun ain't like that, he's a standup guy.

You can email him detailed questions, he is very knowledgeable and passionate about the knife and sharpening community.
I'm sure this is a good product, but I have to call BS on the diamonds. How exactly do diamond particles get ionized? Diamonds are about the most chemically stable substances. Chemically stable and ionized are diametrically opposed. A quick Google search tells me that the only way people have been able to ionize diamonds is to bombard them with beta rays.

And if they were ionized, how the heck would you de-ionize them?
I don't know the science behind it either but I do know that George O'Brien who runs STATESLLC that sells TSProf in the states was a scientist for Michelin Tires and he said there are 2 things that can cause any particle that is 1 micron and smaller to attract to each other.

It's also like Shawn said Scott is a straight up guy and not a snake oil salesman,with Scott he has been bothered by a ton of people to make this and that sharpening product and he said a lot he could do but not any better than what is available and with Scott if he can't do it better then he won't and he has told me that many times.

Also with Scott's emulsion he does not make it himself it is made by a company that mainly sells it to medical company's that use the same emulsion for polishing hip and knee joints and is very high quality,also I can't recall if he sent some of late Ken Schwartz's emulsion away and test for the amount of diamonds in in his or if it was a claim Ken made about the amount his contained and Scott told me that his emulsion has less diamonds then what Ken's did.
I don't know the science behind it either but I do know that George O'Brien who runs STATESLLC that sells TSProf in the states was a scientist for Michelin Tires and he said there are 2 things that can cause any particle that is 1 micron and smaller to attract to each other.

It's also like Shawn said Scott is a straight up guy and not a snake oil salesman,with Scott he has been bothered by a ton of people to make this and that sharpening product and he said a lot he could do but not any better than what is available and with Scott if he can't do it better then he won't and he has told me that many times.

Also with Scott's emulsion he does not make it himself it is made by a company that mainly sells it to medical company's that use the same emulsion for polishing hip and knee joints and is very high quality,also I can't recall if he sent some of late Ken Schwartz's emulsion away and test for the amount of diamonds in in his or if it was a claim Ken made about the amount his contained and Scott told me that his emulsion has less diamonds then what Ken's did.
I would need more info. Maybe the Michelin guy was referring to van der Waal forces? If so, that's non an ionization issue. Not sure what other force would cause non-polar, non reactive materials to aggregate. I suspect it's a function of the liquid, not the solids. But I really don't know.