Heavily Customized ZT 0452


Gold Member
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Jan 20, 2016
Hello hello,I have for trade a ZT0452.I bought this and got it shipped straight to Josh a Razor Edge Knives.He did the regrind and then shipped it straight to Steve Ketchen for the custom scale.I just received it this week and helped a buddy move,so i cut ALOT of boxes.I have a picture showing the scratches from all the cutting.Im sure they would come out with some polish if you wanted too.I know alot of people call the 0452 a pocket sword,well,i like to think its a pocket katana now.No traditionals and no fixed blades.Ill post a list of what im looking for but im open to others as well.Cash can go either way.Includes box and original scale.Please PM.thanks,Brent

*spyderco slysz bowie
*cold steel recon 1 4inch tanto blade
*cold steel 4max
*spyderco military cruwear
*Emerson Persian

20170303_203631 by Brent Jackson, on Flickr

20170303_203638 by Brent Jackson, on Flickr

20170303_203613 by Brent Jackson, on Flickr