Help ID the manufacture date of this kabar


Gold Member
Mar 2, 2008
Picked it up for 50 bucks but can't find any solid info on a date of manufacture
Kabar brand "Kabar". :D

It's a WW2 1219C2 Fighting/Utility knife.

1219C2 because it is stamped "USMC". It has the third pommel change order - 1/4" pinned pommel, but before the change order for moving the stamp to the guard.

This actually a very good example to compare with modern Kabar 1217s to determine whether a particular knife is WW2 or post-1978.

The WW2 version (yours) has the stamp font that is thin and relativly shallow, and a THIN, pinned pommel.

The 1217 has a stamp font that is deeper with wider lines. It's pommel is 3/8" thick.

All true WW2 thick pommels are peened on, not pinned.

The stapled sheath is also period correct. It may be period as well. Not enough pics to tell. NO WW2 period sheath had a factory embossed EGA on it.
If the stamp had been "USN MK2" rather than "USMC", it would be a "US Navy MK2 Fighting/Utility knife".

The 2 models of knives are identical except for the "model stamp" - all other specifications/change orders are the same for the WW2 versions. Either version could have been issued by their respective services as all Marine issue equipment flowed through the Navy Supply system and the "big supply store in the sky" lumped them all together regardless of model.