Here fishyfishyfishy: Show off your Bluegills!

Thank you.
I have some thinking to do.



John, I can't thank you enough for this beautiful little Bluegill. The blue liners absolutely pop against the Osage handles, and the brass Mosaic pin gives it just the right "oomph" to put it over the top!
beautiful knives, thanks for sharing, you all, really like the look fo the blue liners, Wurrwulf!

Got my Bluegill early this morning. This is the knife that brought your work to my attention JK. I was a little worried that I might not be happy with it as I was afraid there might not be that big of a difference between it and the stretched Bluegill I already have. But this is little knife is perfect and will be great for EDC. The patina has started already after an apple and some strawberries for breakfast this morning.