Hi I am new please help me out (thanx!!!)

Mar 5, 1999
first off i am looking for a folder that locks and that is pretty and useful
i would like something that i chrome or aluminum, and with a red or a green color
also i would like to have any info you can give me on buying knives and keeping them in good condition and sharpening them
thank you
Try Klotzli knives. Good stuff (not cheap). I think A.G. Russell probably has the best selection.

A. Dale McLean
<A HREF="http://www.nt.net/~admclean/Index.htm" TARGET="_blank" >ADaM Sharps Cutlery - Canadian Knife Dealer</A>
My first thought for you is a Buck 110MS. This is the Master Series lockback with the BG-42 blade steel. Not too hard on the wallet and a proven knife design that is even better now that has been upgraded to modern manufacturing technology.

I forgot what I was going to say...I must be tired...
Check the knowledge base, good info there...


[This message has been edited by Yekim (edited 06 March 1999).]
You didn't say how much you're willing to spend.
For color and pretty cheap cost and decent looks, check out the gigand spectrum (I know ABC-Direct.com is now carrying them for around $35.) Has Aus8, servicable steel and easy to sharpen. Aluminum handles in silver, black, red, blue, yellow. It's an attractive little utility knife. If I weren't waiting for my blue Native and REKAT Carnivour... Heck! I may still order one or two anyway for that price...

I second Sings advice Gigand for under $50..If you want to spend $120-140, try a Microtech Mini Socom, its a 3" blade well built and solid..comes in colors,(old stones song)... check discount knives on the web.Not sure if the large socom comes in silver??
Go to the bladeforums store and purchase a Spyderco Sharpmaker system..you will be glad you did whatever knife you choose, especially fully serrated!!
Welcome aboard..just surf this site you will learn much grasshopper..
If you can find them, the Benchmade Crawford Leopards and Leopard Cubs with colored handles are excellent. I'll let you know about the Gigand Spectrum which I just ordered sight unseen based on comments on this forum. $32.95 from ABC Cutlery Direct. Hard to go wrong at that price.


who dares, wins

Just got my Gigand Spectrum. Very nice and an excellent value. I believe they come in gold, silver, red, blue and black.

who dares, wins
