HK knives

Mar 6, 2012
Looking at the new 14715 axis, from the pics I see it doesn't look to say Benchmade anywhere on them.
I'm pretty new with Benchmade, but I'm assuming its made by Benchmade and has same warranty/customer service?
Are the HK line as good, or less quality.
Thanks in advance.
It is made and warrantied by Benchmade. The HK line is a quality line, and the 14715 is arguably a better buy than half of the BM branded line up. It is a great knife at a good price for the quality and materials. I have not owned one, but have heard many glowing reviews about the large 14715 and the smaller 14716 (which is on my wish list).
Thanks, I know little about Benchmade (other than being impressed) and even less about the HK line.

One more quick question about the blade coating. I like the way the black coating wears off after use on my mini grip. Does the HK line use the same blade coating on the D2, and if so, will the D2 patina when the blade coating fades?
Agree with BladeCommander about the value of the HK Axis.

I own one and the only real difference I can see between it and the various Benchmade badged knives I own is a little roughness around the spine of the blade. It benefits from washing out the pivot since there's a bit more than usual manufacturing debris floating around in there. Once cleaned out, the pivot and Axis lock is every bit as smooth as any regular Benchmade model.

The blade coating is tough. I haven't used mine enough for it to show any significant wear. It does seem tougher than the coating on my older 710. D2 will take a patina but it's slow to happen. In my experience, the wear on knife coatings is on the high edges of the swedges and grinds and on the knife spine. These points get polished by frequent abrasion. That same abrasion will wear away any patina that might try to form.
I've only had my 14716 for a couple of weeks now, so I can't speak for the coating retention or blade performance. It cut through a really thick zip tie in one try, which I thought was decently impressive. I really prefer the scale design and shape compared to the Mini Grip.
The H&K knives are Benchmade. They just have a different name on them...
I can't say for sure, but I'm guessing the blade coating is the same on the HK's as it is BM's. They are made in the same factory, so I doubt they would have two separate systems. I've been wrong before though...
Some of the best Benchmades ever made were the HK branded 14210 and 14205 models.

The 14715 is a phenomenal Benchmade, it does need a cleaning but it's a thick, tough slab of D2 and they come pretty sharp too.

I want a small one soon, but the large carries better than similar sized Benchmades, aside from the 710.
I do recommend getting the 810 Contego clip, though. I found that it sat so high in my pocket that it was in the way. Much better with the deep carry clip.
I never owned those but I did end up purchasing a knife by HK (Flak) at big 5. Apparently this line is exclusive to big 5 only. The papers it came with clearly stated that its from Bemchmade. It went for around 50 bucks after tax. And its spring assisted. The blade came pretry sharp out the box. I also saw traces of lubrication near the pivots out the box. Its pretty solid blade imo. I have gotten similar price range knives from other brands and they were not as sharp, and was in need of dire lube to the pivots.
The HK14715 is a better value than the Griptilian series, and they are built like tanks. It has almost taken the place of the 950 Rift as my favorite knife. 3.7" of D2 steel, full liners, G10 scales, Axis lock... all for $5 more than the Grip. What's not to like?
I have both the 14715 and large Griptilians. One thing to keep in mind is the 14715 handle has some edges to the G10 and liners that makes it uncomfortable for any long term or hard use. You could grind and sand some of the edges away but the "Grip"-tilian is a more comfortable knife to hold when in use.
Or just wear gloves.

I like the 14715 but still prefer Griptilians with either stock or aftermarket G10 handles.

But yes HK knives are genuine Benchmade knives with all the same warranty.
Benchmade's HK line has some great knives in it.

On the budget side I think the HK Ascender is the best knife I own for the money. It's my dedicated around the house beater and cardboard box opener / shredder. It's held up amazingly well and still going strong. Good size and ergo's, smooth solid lock up. I like everything about it.

They must have really nailed the HT on the 9Cr13Mov steel because it takes and holds a great edge. The whole knife continues to exceed my expectations. Even the coating has impressed me with how well it's held up.

I took these pic's a while ago but had I'd already been using it for years.

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