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How long for CitriStrip to work on BK2

Mar 27, 2021
So I've decided to remove the black coating on my new BK2. After watching YouTube and reading here, I went with CitriStrip to remove the coating. So today I sprayed it on and waitied 30 minutes before going at it with a scraper. Next to nothing came off. So I have sprayed it again and am letting it sit.

My question: How long should I be looking at having to wait before this starts to work?
It's been so long since I used it, I can't really remember, to be honest. I don't think I've stripped a Becker blade since the new coating. The last mod I did, I used Klean Strip, and it started coming off in just a few minutes. Sorry I couldn't be a better help.
I just did this on a BK2, 16, and 11 in the past 2 weeks. However I used Jasco spray on stuff on the 11 and 16, and it took over an hour. Can says 15 min. Still had a lot of scraping. The 11 I used aircraft stripper from car parts store. It is a gel type, and says 45 min to work. I left it sit for 60-90 mins and scraped off with more ease than the other 2. Citristrip I think is a 24hr soak time.
I use citristrip. I coat it, wait an hour, coat it some more. Wait another hour and then scrape it with a putty knife. Repeat steps as needed. Usually only one more time. I dont spend too much time scraping as i want the stripper to do the work.
On my bk9, i only did it once and didnt really scrape it at all. It loosened the coating up so between washing it with scotchbrite and battoning, it has developed like this:


edit: the citristrip by itself didnt remove any of it if i recall correctly. After washing it the first time, a very small amount flaked off. The rest has been through use and washing it after camping trips.
Yeah...Kleen Strip works like a champ. If the weather is warm or the knife is under a light bulb you can literally watch it bubble off the coating within a few minutes. Sometimes it takes a second coat to get all of it. I’d highly recommend it.
Everybody seems to have issues with the citrus stuff.
Yeah.....what Xr6x said: Oil is not your friend.

I wipe my gonna-be strippers down with 99% Isopropyl Alcohol first. Also, if it looks like a glossier/harder coating than usual, I'll run a little 400 grit 3M or Norton Wet/Dry paper over the whole surface to make the "bite" easier/faster.
I believe I use Citristrip? It's orangy....ha

Some knives take about half hour.... Most 1 hour.

I do know it's not a spray..... The stuff I use is dribble stuff
Well, I've resprayed both sides liberally and I guess I will leave it overnight to give it time to do it's job. I will check it in the morning.
I will check it in the morning.

Put it in a plastic (Freezer-type thickness) bag to keep the Stripper moist for a longer time.

The Stripper I use is meant to strip 4 layers of paint/varnish off of furniture at once.....takes 6 minutes to remove 95%+ of a BK9's Blackness
My citristrip is in a bottle which i pour onto the blade. It does have the issue of drying out which is why i just add more. Some of the other products are significantly more effective, but i do like that i can smear it all over my hands without concern.
OK. Here's an update.

The CitriStrip appears to be starting to work. I had the knife coated on both sides and laying in an aluminum pan. I was able to strip about 90% of the coating off of the face that was face down overnight. Not so much luck on the face up side. So both sides have been recoated and the side that is giving me trouble is now face down. We will see what tomorrow brings.
Took me a while on my bk7. It works, just give it time. And keep it warm. I think having it outside in cool air reduced the effectiveness. Brought it inside and it worked much faster.
Nice work man, it'll serve you well. By the way, welcome to the forum, glad to have you here.