How much input did Buck have in the buck strider folder design?

Oct 17, 2000
How much input did Buck have in the buck strider folder design? Did buck just stamp their name on the folder? Is it a 100% strider design?
The design is totally ours. Buck had the job of saying..."we can't do that"..."or that"..."or that"...

We gave in on a few small items. For instance, we wanted the belt clip to be fastened to the liners. Though I must admit, the inserts are strong as ****. I've bent several clips and have yet to pull out the inserts. We also wanted the edges of the G10 to be rounded. I'm not sure what happened there. But its no big deal. Everyone has pretty much figured out how to do it themselves. We kinda like people putting their own love into their knives anyway.

The tip was a hard one for Buck to achieve. So there were a few issues, bit we are very happy with their work.

