How to re handle a mora Eldris?

Jun 9, 2020
Hi guys, I was wondering if it would be possible to improve the aesthetics of the original mora eldris handles or to replace them altogether? Thoughts?
Anything is possible, but its worth considering that part of why Mora gets away with partial tangs is the injection over-molded handle does provide some of the overall stability. Not sure how much of an Eldris handle has tang in it, but you'd be needing to get a very tight and well bonded fit. Certainly possible, but for how much effort?
Anything is possible, but its worth considering that part of why Mora gets away with partial tangs is the injection over-molded handle does provide some of the overall stability. Not sure how much of an Eldris handle has tang in it, but you'd be needing to get a very tight and well bonded fit. Certainly possible, but for how much effort?
They r full tang actually which is pretty cool to know, the only problem I think is that the scales when fit (like u said) would be really hard to get a good fit seeing as the tang is shaped weirdly (it has bent protrusions on it ) a handle made of anything other than paracord without drilling would be tough
I've seen some "hidden" tang knives where the maker did a cut-out on one scale, deeper than the tang, and then had the other scale key into the other side of that cutout, so in essence the scales were offset. The one I saw was done with blind pins in micarta, so it looked like it was one piece. Could also be done with wood. Epoxy can do some amazing things.
I've seen some "hidden" tang knives where the maker did a cut-out on one scale, deeper than the tang, and then had the other scale key into the other side of that cutout, so in essence the scales were offset. The one I saw was done with blind pins in micarta, so it looked like it was one piece. Could also be done with wood. Epoxy can do some amazing things.
Wow that’s crazy I didn’t know that, if I get one I’ll test it out
Tape the blade well, clamp in a vise and cut the old handles off with a hacksaw.

Shape a new handle and drill it to accept the tang, try to keep the drill hole irregular to increase grabby areas. Shape a copper, brass or aluminum ferrule to reinforce the hole.

Put some JB Weld in the hole and slowly insert the blade tang, adding more JB Weld as you go to fill the hole. Let it harden overnight. Anything that destroys the knife at this point would have destroyed the factory handle as well.

Make a sheath. Mine turned out a little homely, but way more user friendly. The more I used the original the less I liked the handle arrangement. And you gain about an 1/8" of extra blade length.



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Bringing this one to life again... I am thinking of doing a Barlow inspired thing with mine... Something like the Böker Barlow BFF, but I am doing a front bolster i horn of some sort followed by a dark wood. I am thinking that I would try to simulate a full tang or folder by making it in two halfs with something in between
Really nice work. To be clear, are those 2 pins placed strategically to fit into the cutouts in the tang? Are those solid blocks of micarta that have been drilled out for the tang?
It’s a sandwich…First it’s a 2mm brass plate with a cutout of the tang in it. Then there are micarta/G-10 as scales. And yes, the pins are kind of strategically placed to fit the cutouts in the tang and go all the way thru. I’ll post a pic of how it’s done…