I remember seeing The Buckmaster hollow handle survival knife at a local knife shop when I was a kid and wanting it badly. Never got one and I'm now wondering how good of a knife it really was back then. Was it able to pry or do heavy work with a hollow handle? Did they snap off easily where the tang met the handle? How did it hold an edge? I remember holding one and it was really heavy and felt very solid. I went to look for one to buy and found several on ebay and I was astounded to see how expensive they are!!!! Thanks for any input!
howdy partner ,,, i had a BM and i did use it for a while
also i had several 124's from way back n 71... used them also
have had a 639 also
wanted the one with the holes in the handle as a dive knife but not found one to try out as yet
as i had a 124 first i can say it is a great camp knife... choping and cutting both good to pry with also
i liked it as a camp knife but did not like it so much as a dive knife then ....
i had one of the BM knives .. i was not to impressed with the pind .. they were to
'hang in a dock or tree and hold your gear'
as a fighting knife i had to wander that the saw would hamper your pulling it out of ...
the saw was to cut notch for 'primer cord" i was told ... know nothing about primer cord..
i did try it as a camp knife in my yard for some of the same type of work
but the 124 i liked better
go camping take a 110 and 124 and you good to go
if only one knife allowed take a 639
there are several that may disagree with me but to each his own
get what YOU enjoy and enjoy what you get!!!!