How was the Buck Master survival knife?

Feb 1, 2001
I remember seeing The Buckmaster hollow handle survival knife at a local knife shop when I was a kid and wanting it badly. Never got one and I'm now wondering how good of a knife it really was back then. Was it able to pry or do heavy work with a hollow handle? Did they snap off easily where the tang met the handle? How did it hold an edge? I remember holding one and it was really heavy and felt very solid. I went to look for one to buy and found several on ebay and I was astounded to see how expensive they are!!!! Thanks for any input!
Yes they are heavy in the hand and the hip pocket. Built strong. Lots of folks have them here. DM
I've owned a Buckmaster since 1984. I've brought it on camping trips and hunting trips. It is very heavy...too heavy to be practical for me. Mine is a mostly a wall hanger but I do play with it from time to time.
I can't remember the name, but there is a smaller fixed blade with a rubber handle and the same blade style.
I've got one lying around.
Esav, You might be refering to the 'Mates'. WoodsMate, CampMate, FIELDMATE model 639. Buck came out with those in atleast early 87. The 639 is somewhat rare. DM
With this version you didn't have to worry about the hollow handle and the stubby tang.

My 639 is in the middle.

Nice!!! What model Buck is the 2nd from the top? Intrested is selling any of these?

Hi SS40,
The second knife down from the top is the buck 124 Frontiersman. They also pull in a hefty price. However, many were made and if you look long enough you will find on at the price you want to pay.
I remember seeing The Buckmaster hollow handle survival knife at a local knife shop when I was a kid and wanting it badly. Never got one and I'm now wondering how good of a knife it really was back then. Was it able to pry or do heavy work with a hollow handle? Did they snap off easily where the tang met the handle? How did it hold an edge? I remember holding one and it was really heavy and felt very solid. I went to look for one to buy and found several on ebay and I was astounded to see how expensive they are!!!! Thanks for any input!

howdy partner ,,, i had a BM and i did use it for a while
also i had several 124's from way back n 71... used them also
have had a 639 also
wanted the one with the holes in the handle as a dive knife but not found one to try out as yet

as i had a 124 first i can say it is a great camp knife... choping and cutting both good to pry with also
i liked it as a camp knife but did not like it so much as a dive knife then ....
i had one of the BM knives .. i was not to impressed with the pind .. they were to
'hang in a dock or tree and hold your gear'
as a fighting knife i had to wander that the saw would hamper your pulling it out of ...
the saw was to cut notch for 'primer cord" i was told ... know nothing about primer cord..
i did try it as a camp knife in my yard for some of the same type of work
but the 124 i liked better
go camping take a 110 and 124 and you good to go
if only one knife allowed take a 639
there are several that may disagree with me but to each his own
get what YOU enjoy and enjoy what you get!!!!
So does anyone know how strong it was a the point the blade and handle met? DId they break easy or was it a strong design?
I have one and it's my favorite knife. Like anything it isn't indestructible but i haven't seen any of them broken at the tang. Check this site out if you want to learn A LOT about BuckMaster variations.
So does anyone know how strong it was a the point the blade and handle met? DId they break easy or was it a strong design?
i was chatting with Joe Houser a while back and he said he did not recall seeing a BM broke at the blade/handle junction
it is possable ... but so far no one here seems to have heard of one..
Joe said that that connection was tested a LOT before they sold them
I bought a Buckmaster in 85 and used it for a camping knife for several years.It chopped alot of wood and built alot of fires.I still have it,though don't use her much anymore,it is still right about one thing though,the 184 is a heavy beast!
I had NO idea there were so many different variations!!!! Is there a price guide done by anyone? The Custom Shop 184's are super cool!