How was the Janesville show?

Well, I got some "new products"-- a Ray Cover slipjoint and a CRK Mnandi :D

Other forumites got the goods too; see the Custom forum!

If you mean "new production" pieces, I wasn't looking that hard . . .

but it was a good show. Sorry you couldn't make it. Maybe Chicago in late summer, or the Edgerton show in the fall?

Going to Chicago is a 'maybe,' unless Eric Chang attends; we've been 'pen pals' for a few years, and I have one of his custom knives, but we've never met face-to-face. It would be nice to see him and razz him in person!

Edgerton is a better bet. Things will have settled down by then, and we always seem to hit more events in the fall. I have a few knives to sell, and I figure hitting a show or renting space at a buddy's booth might be of help.

Then again, if I BUY a bunch of stuff instead of just looking, it cancels out the benefit.