HRLM Sheath?

Oct 31, 2003
So what are you currently using to sheath and/or carry your HRLM? I had to modify an old Buck sheath. I had to cut it down, shape it, and add some electrical tape and a para-cord wrap. Not real pretty but very functional. And the important part is that I can EDC it now. :) This will due at least until I get a "real" sheath. I'll add pics later.

So what are you guys using? Does anyone know of readily available sheaths for this bad boy? Thanks.
I will have kydex sheaths available by Sat

That is if I get it on Thursday or Friday :)

PM me if you are interested
We will have a couple of different styles of sheaths for the HR LM's in the Company Store in a few weeks. Sorry for the delay on these but the best things come to those that wait ;):p

We will have a couple of different styles of sheaths for the HR LM's in the Company Store in a few weeks. Sorry for the delay on these but the best things come to those that wait ;):p


What is the catch here Eric? You said "in a few weeks"? :confused: That goes against everything I know regarding Busse & SR. ;) What happened to "two weeks"? :p

Regarding different styles: do you know if there will be both leather and kydex offered? Or is that still on the drawing board? Thanks for the heads up Eric.
There should be both leather and kydex at the Company Store. (btw it would probably only be 2 weeks if I hadn't forgotten to ship the sheathmakers knives last week ;) , you can blame me if you want, everyone else likes to ;) )

can't wait :thumbup:

There should be both leather and kydex at the Company Store. (btw it would probably only be 2 weeks if I hadn't forgotten to ship the sheathmakers knives last week ;) , you can blame me if you want, everyone else likes to ;) )
