Hunting Photos 2019

Wild Ben

Platinum Member
Jan 16, 2016
I am starting this for our friend, Phil in Alabama, who started the 2019 hunting thread.
Not a lot of squirrels around our place, but lots of rabbits. Not that I'm very good at hunting them - took me three days to get one!
Anyway, I always enjoy seeing Phil post pictures of his Kimber and squirrels, so I figured maybe it was my turn now! Used my Kimber in 22 LR with a 3x9 Leopold and the knife is a trusty Moore Maker. (Hope all is well with Phil.)
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I've been hunting some this year, hadn't got out as much since we've been so busy with medical/health issues. My wife is diabetic and then had a kidney infection on top of that, ending with endstage renal failure, so all of the doctor appointments and trips to dialysis eat up a lot of time. My little Olympus pocket camera quit and the bigger Nikon is bulky and heavy to wag around so I've used the phone camera for some photos, which aren't as high quality of images as a good separate camera with optical zoom lenses. Okay for rememberance but mediocre for posting. Some still in the phone memory, got to get those off of there to see what they look like large. Sure miss the little Olympus camera!

Very nice Kimber pictured there! Still love mine. I don't think that the squirrels care for it though. ():
I've been hunting some this year, hadn't got out as much since we've been so busy with medical/health issues. My wife is diabetic and then had a kidney infection on top of that, ending with endstage renal failure, so all of the doctor appointments and trips to dialysis eat up a lot of time. My little Olympus pocket camera quit and the bigger Nikon is bulky and heavy to wag around so I've used the phone camera for some photos, which aren't as high quality of images as a good separate camera with optical zoom lenses. Okay for rememberance but mediocre for posting. Some still in the phone memory, got to get those off of there to see what they look like large. Sure miss the little Olympus camera!

Very nice Kimber pictured there! Still love mine. I don't think
So sorry to hear about your wife's health issues, I hope her situation is getting under control! All the best to you both.
Sounds like you needed to ask Santa for a new camera! Ha.
I really like my little Kimber, too! I need to use it more!
Got them postable.




Best wishes for health and wellness in 2020!!! I really enjoy the small game field photos. Fond memories of hunting (and eating) squirrels growing up in southeast Georgia. I NEED me a Kimber or Cooper squirrel rifle.
Got one late Sunday afternoon over at my inlaws property. Kimber Hunter and Bulldog copperhead in stag. Not very sharply focused I'm afraid but the other attempts were worse.
We got home late this afternoon and there was about an hour of daylight left, so I hit the woods looking for squirrels. Found one about 4:45, and did something very special to me; this old Stevens Model 94 16 gauge was my Dad's first gun, bought sometime in the 1950's. After my parents married, the old Stevens was left with my grandfather, and stayed there until he died, then it became MY first firearm! I moved on to fancier stuff, and the Stevens stayed over at mom and dads place, across the field from our house, just a few hundred yards away. After pop died in December of 2012, I brought it home and it has sat on the gun rack unused. Until this afternoon. The first squirrel that I have shot with it since I was a teenager. I'm 54 years old, so it's been close to 36 years since the little Stevens has dropped a squirrel. It was dark by the time I got back to the house, so I took this picture in the barn, where there are lights. My maternal grandfather, who died young at 47 years old in 1954 and 11 years before I was born, built the barn in 1934-1935. I've had to do some repairs over the years, but the old barn is still in pretty good shape, like the old Stevens single shot. Pawpaw Ne carved his initials into the stock, A.E.N.
I love to hear stories like this. Thanks for sharing and nice pic.

Also in Al, in Auburn. ;)
IMG_1938.JPG Thanks for sharing, Phil. Nice old gun for the job and some great history. I so wish my grandparents farm was still in the family today, but at least I have Grandad's old Stevens Favorite .22 rifle. He said he used it to kill a trainload of squirrels and quite a few hogs to butcher. I love hearing about the "old days" and seeing them carried on.