I Am Legend

Apr 18, 2007
Noticed that Wally World has "I Am Legend" in the sale bin. I'd kinda like to pick it up but only if the dog survives. I've hated Walt Disney ever since Old Yeller got killed. What say the Cantinastas???

Are you asking if the dog dies or not?
I agree, though, I hate how every dog in every Disney movie dies.
Great movie.

Dog dies.

Like all the other movies based on the book, they get the ending and reason for his name wrong.
when the dog died i cried so hard and for so long my dogs got worried
Great movie.

Dog dies.

Like all the other movies based on the book, they get the ending and reason for his name wrong.

They actually got it right, but chickened out. Here is the original ending that they redid for the theatrical release. This one is closer to the book and actually touches on what the title REALLY means.

I am Legend ending
Good movie, not great. Terrible CGI created Vamps...goes away from the EPIC story of the book. Will Smith is a helluva actor.
The one with Will Smith was pretty good, not great imo... but the original, titled The Omega Man starring Charlton Heston, is a better movie from what I hear, and is supposed to stay more loyal to the book. I've had it on VHS for years now and still haven't watched it... i need a VHS player. :/
Hated the movie because I loved the book.

+1... the book was amazing!

And I didn't care much for the original movie, either. I don't think that was too close to the book either. Nothing can come close to the book.
Agreed on the Omega Man. Good film.

That's easy. Heston vs. Will Smith? No comparison. Heston always did the sci fi flicks, or just about anything better. It's a remake of a remake, I think The Omega Man was the second iteration, and the best. Loved the submachine gun with the flashlight duct taped to it. :)
Just by coincidence, just caught a few minutes of the begining on TNT. May have to invest in a couple boxes of industrial strength kleenex & get the disk. Seems like the movie is never near as good as the book, so I'll watch the movie first then hit the library.
Another gripe I have is the way all the networks will butcher a movie. Took notes over a time & all of them do 18 minutes of commercials per hour, that means 36 min, over 25%, of a 2 hr movie is cut out.
