I'm back

Feb 13, 2002
Hi all, I made it back from South Africa with all my limbs and had an absolutely great trip. Great weather, caught up with all my friends and managed to make all the wedding arrangements. I surrendered my Chiruwa AK to a friend of mine's dad - You should have seen his face when I showed him. He's quite poor so I said he could have it. He'll use it alot and I know he will look after it and vice versa.

What's been going on in the cantina ??


Welcome home Brendan, glad your trip went well and you didn't have to wrestle any lions! There's been lots going on in the forum. Pour yourself a pint of something cold and have fun getting caught up.

Glad that your trip was good, and that you're safely back. Pick up any good blades over there?

Cool thing you did with your khuk.

Welcome back. Perhaps now you can answer that age old question: Which khukuri provides the best defense against elephant?

No, you haven't missed much worth missing.

Welcome back Brendan! Nice to see you on the forum again.


P.S. did you modify your tarwar frog?
Originally posted by Pan Tau


P.S. did you modify your tarwar frog?

Andreas, Bren had that done while he was in the "bush" in Africa.;) :D
Welcome back Brendan, and since YVSA hasnt said it yet, hope the trip wasnt too hard for the pregnant Missus:D
Thanks for the welcome back chaps, I've been in Scotland the whole wekend and have only just had the chance to catch up. No customs probs just mates Dad's. No new blades (gave the Okapi a skip). Pics will take a while as I have to develop them and then scan them, will do it soon. No modifications to the tarwar - far too busy lately.

Jill will freak if she thinks you guys think she is pregnant, Yvsa - I've said it before, you're a rogue Uncle.


Welcome back, Brendan. Glad to see all is well.
Welcome back Brendan! Nice to hear from you. Been wondering if you made it out of the bush alright:p:). Glad to see that all is well.
Welcome Back Brendan!!:)

I thought I posted to this thread the other day, but I guess it didn't go thru..to bad, my reply was quite witty IIRC;) :p :D

Glad you made it back in one piece!
Glad you're safe and it went well-especially in these troubled times. But Brendan, can't you tell us some stories? You mean you didn't even kill ONE Black Mamba? What's the point of going to Africa unless you can spear a Mamba? Did you eat any wild game?

I thought he'd come back with some pictures like this:

And Brendan, if Jiff or Jill sees what we've put you through, you'll just have to explain that this forum is full of guys who have lived up to 70+ years. And found out in the process that intelligence and good sense don't necessarily go hand in hand.

Like the saying goes: Good judgement comes from experience. Most experience oomes from bad judgement.

Most of us rue having found out on our own how true that is. And how many times we had to prove it over and again to ourselves. We hope you'll do better than us, but we ain't gonna hold out breaths on it. You'll probably be just as dumb as us sooner or later.

Ain't it nice to have our vote of confidence?
:D :D :D


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One story I can tell you guys is that I took Jill to a Lion park (photos to follow) and it was like a scene out of Jurassic Park. You drive through these huge gates with secure zone in between to make an impenetrable entrance with 4 gaurds. We drove into the park and straight away we saw a pride of Lions lounging in the afternoon sun right next to the road. The big male was on Jill's side of the car so I asked her to get some pictures but I didn't realise she had frozen with fear and when I touched her she went mad. She was really scared, this lion stood up - it was big. She started freaking saying its a wild animal and that I must drive the car and all sorts of crazy things about this ferocius beasts teeth (it yawned)

I only told her later that they are all ex circus lions !!
