I respect your patience and inclusion attitude OH!
I however, have a low tolerance for persistent badgering and disrespect for fellow participant whether they are weathered veterans, or newbs looking to learn and be a positive part of this community. Insulting the experience of others, and insulting anyone with a difference of opinion on a matter of opinion is cancerous to this community.
There are valuable voices missing from this community. I can't speak for those folks who chose to no longer participate here, but if one was to look back, they might find that several folks have gone missing at roughly the same time. The dinosaurs didn't die off one at a time, it was a singular, cataclysmic event that brought their demise.
The drama that comes around here every once in a while is our equivalent cataclysmic event. The remedy or avoidance comes from us. If it's identified early and remedied, one way or another, we can save the folks who are less tolerant to such matters from leaving us and taking their knowledge with them. It not only deprives those of us survivors; new members won't have the benefit of that same knowledge.
In hunting terms; if the predators go unchecked, eventually all the game will be gone and only predators will remain.
So while I have the utmost respect and appreciation for your attitude and opinion; I don't share that sentiment.
I feel like if I'm ignoring someone, I'm doing the community a disservice by not correcting inaccurate information or reporting any harassment.
Admittedly, I don't participate or frequent this forum like I used to. It is a direct result of these folks not being dealt with swiftly and appropriately.
I love Buck knives with or without this forum, I prefer "with" of course. Sharing chatter and information with folks of similar interests makes the hobby whole. It's a shame that some very knowledgeable folks only show up on Sunday. Admittedly; I'm becoming more like these folks. I'm not interested in being insulted, or seeing friends here insulted whether they feel offended themselves or not. Until we get a moderator to police this place, I'll see you all on Sundays.