Is the magnum bear cub close to the Cabsle?

Jan 15, 2011
Hello everyone, is the size of the new Magnum Bear Cub close to the CABSLE?

I know the MBC has a choil, will it be a usable size?

It looks like it will make a great Bushcraft knife.


By any chance does anyone have a pic of the two together yet,

You know like some lucky hog who might have gotten one early?;)

Thanks gang!:)
It's way smaller than the CABS. I made this to compare it to the Cultellus:

Sorry, I'm kind of too lazy to Photoshop my CABS in right now... but knowing that the CABS is considerably more substantial than the Cultellus and seeing that the MBC is yet still shorter and just as narrow as the Cultellus, you are not looking at a blade as beefy as the CABS. Maybe beefy for its size, just like the CABS is for its size.
way I understand it, it is basically a game warden with a better handle.