Issuing out Khukuris

Jun 4, 2002
First, let me thank everybody who's donated khuks and other knives for troops getting set to deploy. The troops are overwhelmed, and simply can't believe the outpouring of support. Some of the politics and policies connected with the current troubles are a bit muddled and debated. But, GIs aren't in the politics and policies business, they just do the job they're given to do, the best they know how. So, it's very comforting and reassuring for them to know there's folks out their who care about them and want to see 'em get there and home safely.

I spent a good deal of yesterday issuing out khuks between giving classes in combat first aid. I came in on my off time (not much of that lately) and put together an information handout on khuks, what they are, where they're from, and how to use 'em safely and take care of 'em right. It tickled me to see the fascination with which the troopies devoured this information, as they held their khuks with a respect and admiration they might not have had if I'd simply just passed 'em out.(they really loved the bear story Uncle)

I've got to tell y'all though, my nerves are just about shot. You guys donated some truly exquisite blades, and I feel lucky to have had the chance to handle them, if only briefly. Seeing, side by side, such an assortment of khuks surely adds to a fellows education. When I get around to rebuilding my own khuk "accumulation" (a collector I ain't), I have got to order me an 18" Gelbu Special, they're out of this world. Thanks for that one Bobwhite, and by the way, there's a young forward air controller that's got a white knuckle grip on the Cold Steel Recon Scout you sent.

You fellows that sent in money and let Uncle send the khuks ought to know something. I strongly suspect that Uncle Bill personally hand picked the best khuks he had and sent 'em on your behalf. Every single one of 'em a winner, from Bura AKs to a Sher WWII, and even a WWII from the new kami with the swastika mark.

I've got to run teach another class (want to make sure all important training is fresh in young minds), but before I go let me tell y'all about the best part of my day yesterday. That was when, after walking off fondling their new khuks, they started filtering back one by one asking, "Sarge, how can I get in touch with the person that donated this knife and thank them for what they've done?".:)

I strongly suspect that Uncle Bill personally hand picked the best khuks he had and sent 'em on your behalf.

Exactly what I would have expected from him.

While I don't know which khuk he sent in my name, I would be very interested in knowing who got it.
No sweat Sarge. The GS screamed fighter and I don't plan on doing any around my place. So giving to someone who may have to was easy. It should be light enough to carry too, a big consideration for ground pounders. I got that Recon Scout in a trade a while back and never used it. It was unmarked so it was "clean" for "black ops" supposedly. Again, I won't be doing any of that soon so pass it on to someone who might. I am glad the men like them. You are all in my prayers too. Come back soon and safe.
At this rate, we're going to put the Gurkhas out of a job.

Just be sure to keep fear of the "little brown men with the bent knives" alive and well.
I'm with Bob. We don't want our knives to come back, we want our brothers to come back.

I'm going to send a 15 AK to a friend who just got deployed (to Kuwait, I think). If you have the info handout saved, can you post it or email it? Also, what should I send to a young GI who is in the middle east for the first time. I remember you said chapstick is gold, but what else? Thanks

All of us in the ROTC program are behind you guys-- just save some for us.
E-mail sent on the khuk info handout Vicks. As far as stuff to send, sunglasses and good sunscreen are popular items in the desert. If Armed Forces Radio & Television is up and operating, cheap transistor radios are nice "comfort" items. Don't send anything fancy, and don't send CD players, etc., the sand eats 'em up.

Since I was there for Round is what my Family sent me.
#1 Very Important....Paper Gold...this is #1
#2 sun block
#3 Uno cards
#4 beef jerky
#5 non-melting candy
#6 chap stick (never myself used it)
#7 a book from one of my favorite authors
#8 gum
#9 small thing of Man Perfume...we rather smell like whores then weeks old sweat and dirt when in the field
#10 nuts..peanuts, beernuts, cashews, and SUNFOWER SEEDS!
#11 baby wipes...this was very good one!
#12 my Kuzan Oda tanto
Uncle, I wish there was no reason to send any, but that's not the world we live in yet. I can't tell you thanks enough to truly express my gratitude for all you've done supporting our men and women in uniform. There in Reno, and here in the Cantina, "United We Stand" is anything but cliche'.

There are very few circumstances under which those of us who stay at home can make a potentially material difference in whether one of our people stays alive in a combat situation.

I consider myself VERY lucky that I stumbled onto this forum, onto you guys, so that I might make part of that difference.
I'll sure as hell drink to that one. It is amazing that the people that are responsible for equiping the military haven't learned what all works yet.:)