ITC-100 application

Feb 16, 2010
I've got a quart of it and have applied it to a forge. The directions I received are kinda incomplete. Being ceramic based, I would expect that I need to fire it. How long and hot do I need to fire it? I'm pretty used to coating the insides of forges with mortar, but ITC-100 is much thinner. How thick of a coating should the application of ITC-100 be to be the most efficient?
I put 1/4" of satanite on the wool, then fire the satanite in three steps, cooling of to room temp between steps....1) low heat for 1 minute 2) medium heat for 3 minutes 3) high heat for 5 minutes.
After making any reapairs and re-firing if needed, I paint the satanite with a couple coats of ITC-100. It does not have to be very thick. It is a reflective coating, so thickness isn't really necessary.
Thin it 2parts ITC-100 to 1 part water. After the ITC-100 dries completely, fire it on low for five minutes, then slowly bring up the heat.