J0hn Fitzen

Mar 21, 2008
Any0ne heard 0f. 0r have sh0ts 0f his knives ? I just sc0re 0ne fr0m a Dealer the m0dels name is Frankenstein &I l0ve the knife I was t0ld he 0nly made ab0ut 15 0f these knives s0 I w0uld like t0 see m0re 0f his w0rk 0r read anything. My Knife I was t0ld he made ab0ut 5yrs ag0 aka Skull Knives
Any0ne heard 0f. 0r have sh0ts 0f his knives ? I just sc0re 0ne fr0m a Dealer the m0dels name is Frankenstein &I l0ve the knife I was t0ld he 0nly made ab0ut 15 0f these knives s0 I w0uld like t0 see m0re 0f his w0rk 0r read anything. My Knife I was t0ld he made ab0ut 5yrs ag0 aka Skull Knives

Look on youtube. He's in some of the nutnfancy videos showing his knives.
I don't know much about John Fitzen other than the fact that along with making knives he has/had a sharpening company called Razors Edge.

A couple of photos of Fitzen knives that have been posted on Bladeforums.

