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Jigging-big' n bold or neat and precise?


Gold Member
Sep 4, 2006
It just dawned on me that whilst I like the look of small precise jigging such as sawcut or checkering,I really prefer the wilder looking stuff like the grizzly cut and the bigger jigging.
If that makes sense.
It is the arrival of the shiner and the mountain man that got me thinking.
Any preference?


I like big bold and neat and precise.

Pena has some jigging I really enjoy.

Earlier jigged bone seems to have deeper jigging, etc.
I like them both but am more drawn to the big and bold deeper jigging with a random non symmetrical pattern.
I like the "scalloped" jigging as on your canoe, and like Enrique Pena's jigging a lot.

This is also a favorite style:

I like it to be either small, neat & precise or so random it looks natural.
What puts me off is when it's blatantly artificial "trying (and failing)" to look natural
GEC Horse Cut bone... Deep & Bold, somewhat random but precise at the same time! Love it
Depends on the knife. I don't want big, bold jigging on a peanut or vice versa.

- Christian
Big & Bold, Deep and Random for me. GEC horsecuts and stag bone jigging are my favorites.



Stag Bone

It depends on the knife, its size and hadleshape. I don´t like a too big jigging on smaller knives, this somehow doesn´t seem to fit on the knife. But on some bigger knives, I really like a smaller jigging.

Another topic is random jigging or the more organized look, but that´s another story ;)
I like the smaller size jigging patterns myself. Here's a few examples of what I like..


That last Jack that Jason has just shown and the bone on the Norfolk/Half-Congress are the dense small types I like, A LOT. Peachseed too..:thumbup:

Big knives do carry off a large bold jig though. A thing I particularly like is getting a new knife with deep, even SHARP pointy jigging and see it wear down a little after a year or two of wear, character really emerges then.
Depends on the knife. I don't want big, bold jigging on a peanut or vice versa.

- Christian

it just highlights the amount of variation that is available.
lets go for the biggest wildest most random and also the neatest most precise sharpest jigging.
great pics so far.
I like nature's jigging the best (stag) when its good.

I am kind of picky with jigging. I like Ken Erickson's work a lot. Some of his work is just so dynamic, random, yet neat and crisp.

For factory knives my favorite is the Case Peach Seed Jigging like on my TB Dogleg


I am just going by what I found it listed on the vendors and etc. Here is my packaging slip.
