Just a note on the Equinox Ultralight Poncho...


Basic Member
May 5, 2003
I became interested in picking up a silnylon poncho to add to my outdoor gear box-o'-goodies. I poked around the web a bit and found the Equinox Ultralight Poncho (also sold by CampMor, one of my favorite places to buy gear, as their "Ultralight poncho/shelter."). I was interested in the extended version (CampMor's "Ultralight poncho/tarp.")

Be aware that Equinox also made (makes?) a less expensive urethane-coated nylon version. I wanted the silnylon construction.

When I searched for reviews, I found the poncho was reported to have some shortcomings but was still regarded as a good value. The major complaint reported was there were no guy-out loops located at what would be the ridgeline locations when the poncho was pitched as an A-frame tarp. Another gripe was the hood cinch being plain nylon cord with no cord locks; stretch cord and cord locks would have been better.

Well, I just received my poncho this week and I can report that it does indeed have guy-out loops in position for ridgeline use, as well as a shock-cord hood cinch with cord locks. It is also a much more subdued color than the bright blue I saw in reviews... mine looks more like forest green to me, but I'm colorblind, so you'll have to check for yourself. :p

It was -10F here when I woke up this morning, so it will probably be some time before I get to try out the poncho. If someone reminds me in the spring, I'll post some photos of it worn as a poncho and pitched as a shelter.

Stay sharp,
Thanks for the heads up desmobob. I haven't even considered these poncho's because of those shortcomings. I hope that he's improved the tarps too. His tarps are inexpensive but I would like to see him use grosgrain tie out tabs instead of grommets.