KME Axe-Sharpener

Nov 13, 2007
Has anyone purchased the KME Axe-Sharpener attachment yet? I really like the concept, it looks like it could be a great little shop accessory.
Hey Phill,

I like the idea but if you ask me, EdgePal's will work for double-bits as well.

[L.E.] Silly me, upon a quick glance I did not fully get the attachment system. I think it would work just as fine.
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Since the distance at the heel and toe to the insertion point of the rod is shorter than at the middle of the bit, provided you mounted the system right at the middle of the poll, the angle will naturally increase right where you want more strength.

I am in the process of "customizing" a knife sharpener in an attempt to obtain something similar. All I bought is a magnet, and it will be pretty much everything needed.
It looks like it could help some people touch up their axes if their grind happened to match a radius obtainable by this device. I think it would be time consuming to restore a worn damaged edge with that system. Is it able to remove a lot of material quickly? If not, whatever method you use to re-profile will need to match the radius you set with this device.

Personally I don't care for radial grinds on my axes. I like to treat the center of the bit differently than the heel or toe. But I can see where this tool might help someone else.
Some very astute observations.

In the case of EdgePal (the first original commercial design of such an implement) , you have an attachment for a file. I think it is optional, though.

Depending on how much of the stone you drag across the edge, you will have more or less degrees in the "sphere" you are sharpening. You can get a convex where the tangent to your "starting point" is x degrees, and at the very edge you have for example 3 degrees more.

Adjusting the angle, you can treat each segment of the edge to your liking. More "meat" where you want, and less where that's to your liking.

However, I can see why a skilled eye and hand would forego this precission and do what is already instinctual :). But the geek in me likes all these gadgets that result in higher (and unecessary) precission, on an axe. Though at least they help me get a decent edge on a knife, free-hand sharpening being something beyond my abilities, not that I've investd a lot of effort towards that. An axe...for some reason it seems simpler to sharpen. I just use smaller stones in circular motion.