Knife Display


Gold Member
Aug 26, 2005
Hi All,

Well I finally set up some display cases. I went with displays that I could get a 3D look for my Buck knives. The folders are easy to display with Buck's knife stands. However, I haven't found any good fixed blade knife stands. Anyone have any ideas????

The FB knives are currently on plate stands..... :( . The knives are not to stable in these stands and I can only put 1 knife to a spot....thus eliminating the 3D effect for the fixed blades. I'd like to dubble stack them in the display case.

Here are some Pics....sorry I suck at picture taking.

Case one holds Alpha 196's, 194's, 694's and a couple 403's.

Case two holds Duke 500's, a Kolinga 401, a 503, and a 55.

Case three holds 110's, 112's, 279's, and a 124.

WOW JOHN! Very cool.
I was wondering what my brethren were doing to display their goods.
I really like the 3D effect you did.
Where did you get those cases?
Oh well..don't matter. I got your addy from when I sent ya a check for those 110 Tins last year.
If you see a scoot with empty saddlebags coming down the street as you are leaving, it's just me stopping to by to thank ya and to call Five-O and let them know I just saw someone break in your crib (as I am leaving since you weren't home LOL).
Thanks Buck 110,

I suck at taking photo's and the displays would not fit on my scanner. Each pic I did something different...but, I don't even know what I did to make some look better than others?????...LOL. I got into trouble with the wife for using her camera.....yesterday we had a discussion about her using my power tools ;) she gave it back to me today :(. Then I had to figure out how to transfer the Pic's to the computer and from there to I have to figure out how to delete the other 499 pic's I did not want on the computer......I hope none of them have me in a compromised position....LMAO.

Very nice JB!!
I like the 3-D look!
I couldnt help but notice though- you better put up some more walls ;)
Your missing a few knives yet :D
...Super looking displays John...I see lotsa work in puttin' those up. Sure makes it easy to see that great bevy of Bucks ya got there...I are GREEN with envy and admiration... ( goose...let me know that address when ya get it...I'll meet ya 2 blocks away...heh heh heh ) ...:D :cool:
Thanks EEE & Goose & Wh4f & DarrylS,

The case's are actually for displaying die-cast car's. I think these came from Danbury mint...or...some place like that. These case's were given to me. They would not be that hard to copy. But, I'm not good with plastic so the covers would be the hard part!!!

John, wonderful collection and display, thanks for sharing:thumbup:. Preston
Very nice John! Your knives show well, and stay free of dust..and spiders...and the fingers of unattended house guests:rolleyes:
( :eek: ...Looks like I'm gonna have to kick the shoe boxes I get from the wife, to hold my Bucks, under the bed so no one can see 'em...:rolleyes: )
Hi Preston & Scott & Dave & Jerry & Mr. Buck,

Thank you for the complements. I've been trying to decide how to display my Buck knives for a while now. This idea just fell into my hands. I like the Buck knife stands that the 110's, 112's and 500's are on.....those stands hold five knives each and I've only got three knives on most of the see I've got room for more knives :). I also need to get more of those stands....about 16 more ;).

Hay gooser,

If my collection turns up missing a few blades......I know where to look also....LOL

...and the fingers of unattended house guests:rolleyes:

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Anyway,'re display has me thinking that is the method I'm going to use. Plus I think it will be easier to find cast car stands and plate holders than knife stuff.

Thanks to you...maybe I'll get that Franklin Mint Elvis plate I've been wanting to start me off in that new hobby after all...
:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

Thanks to you...maybe I'll get that Franklin Mint Elvis plate I've been wanting to start me off in that new hobby after all...

Hay goose,

When you get tired of the plate collecting thing we can take them out for some target practice :p ;) :rolleyes: . Long range rifle and pistol, followed by some high flying plate skeet :thumbup: . Sounds like fun to me :D .

Hay goose,

When you get tired of the plate collecting thing we can take them out for some target practice :p ;) :rolleyes: . Long range rifle and pistol, followed by some high flying plate skeet :thumbup: . Sounds like fun to me :D .


Yep...right out by the mothball fleet and run when the helicopters show up :)
Yep...right out by the mothball fleet and run when the helicopters show up :)

LMAO.....Way back when I was a kid....long ago. My brothers in arms and I would go shooting out there on the MTZ side of the fleet. They would call out the swat team if you did that today :eek: . Oh the fond memories of time's long gone :cool: .
