Knife or Death

My goodness. I wonder whatever in the world this could be?

Huh.. That looks a cutting competition but more brutal. I wonder if there are any blade failures during the competition?

And who is that little competitor. I swear I recognize that person. Good gracious...

When does your episode<s> ;) air...can you tell us? And please don't give away any spoilers, please, please, don't!!

PS...I don't think you would give anything away...but I just wanna make sure you don't do like the one guy in the theater that always gives away the plot! :mad:

Too late! I'm gonna spill the beans right now!!!

Jo is Azor Ahai in the Game of Thrones :D :D :D
I'm on the first episode!

I knew we had a celebrity in our midst!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
