Kris cutlery vs. albion swords

Jul 4, 2005
I was wondering, which of these two companies make better swords. I know the saying you get what you pay for, but I don’t want to pay $200 more for something just because it may have a better handle or something. Does anybody have experience with both or either brands and a little compare and contrast won’t hurt either.

Thanks, your information is greatly appreciated.

Thanks again,

Considering Albion's are typically twice the price.... (retail) then I fail to see how they could possibly compare. Kris Cutlery are great for the price (handled the katana and an older Euro sword) but nowhere near Albion for overall quality regarding the Euro line - remember, its made by people in the Filipines. Only handled one of the Albion 1st Gen line but it was markedly better than the Kris Cutlery. That said, if you are looking for a "beater" than Kris Cutlery are fantastic in that position.
A search for Albion reviews (some extraneous)
Search for Kris Cutlery reviews part 1
Kris Cutlery reviews part 2 - more extraneous threads

If I were you I would concentrate on the offerings from ATrim if you're on a budget. Also, for the same prices (give or take a 100 USD) as from Albion, you could get a sword from Tinker Pearce, a fellow forumite.
Albion swords are regarded by many people as one of the two best production sword companies; the other being Arms and Armor . Both these companies base their work off of extensive research of original swords. Their quality is much more than a nice handle; the swords are designed to handle like their European ancestors. You can find reviews of both company's swords at along with a wealth of information on swords in general. Good luck.
M. Taylor said:
Albion swords are regarded by many people as one of the two best production sword companies; the other being Arms and Armor . Both these companies base their work off of extensive research of original swords. Their quality is much more than a nice handle; the swords are designed to handle like their European ancestors. You can find reviews of both company's swords at along with a wealth of information on swords in general. Good luck.

I'll second that. I've handled both and there's really no comparison. Albion has spent a significant amount of time and money buidling swords that could be dropped into medieval Europe or Ancient Rome or whatever and pass as something from that time period... only better. Their fit and finish are absolutely top notch. Their edge geometries are accurate, their weights are dead on, their fittings are period appropriate etc. etc.

Kris Cutlery makes low end serviceable type swords. Their offerings are tough but they cut corners on things like fit and finish, period accuracy, weight etc. Do they make a bad product? No. Is their product anything like Albion's? No.

The thing you have to ask yourself is 1) What do you want a sword for? Is it for WMA practice? Is it for living history or reenactment work? Is it for hanging on the wall of your den? Is it for chopping pumpkins and bottles in the backyard? 2) What qualities are important to you? Period accuracy? Toughness? Flash and pizazz? Price?

If you want a tough sword for chopping stuff in the backyard and aesthetic and period accuracy qualities don't matter to you then you might want to purchase one thing. If period accuracy and aesthetics are as important to you as pumpkin chopping ability you might want something else.
Preceding posts were right on regarding Kris and Albion. You won't find a better production sword than an Albion. If you want to land somewhere in the middle I suggest you take a look at Atim's Atrim's are a step behind Albion in fit and finish but are widely regarding as top-notch performance blades. IMHO, far better than Kris products.
Loki said:
Preceding posts were right on regarding Kris and Albion. You won't find a better production sword than an Albion. If you want to land somewhere in the middle I suggest you take a look at Atim's Atrim's are a step behind Albion in fit and finish but are widely regarding as top-notch performance blades. IMHO, far better than Kris products.
Agreed. Gus Trim swords are an excellent alternative if your budget can't get you to an Albion or Arms and Armor. Gus has a great reputation within the sword community as well. I hope to own one of his swords someday.
Apples and Oranges.
With Kris, you get tough, serviceable blades, but not historical authenticity.
With Albion, you get Historical accuracy, fine and detailed workmanship AND tough, serviceable blades.

I love my Kris Gladius, but I would also love to own one of Albion's Early migration swords.

It really depends on what you are looking for.