Looking for info on Hanwei Tactical tanto

Nov 15, 2006

Can anyone tell me about this knife? I know its got a differential heat treat, it has about a 7 inch blade.

What about the quality?
Would it make a good woodswalking knife?

When i worked for a major Dutch webshop i sold quite a few of these.
The overall quality is there, with a thick blade from differentially hardened steel with an evenly blued finish and a good edge straight from the box.
I also took one apart and the grip consists of wood covered with real rayskin, and it offers a good grip, while the rest of the handleparts are made from heavy parkerized steel.
The handle is held together with a big allen screw on top.

The sheath system with the lock works flawlessly and is also very quit because the steel sheath has a nylon liner on the inside.
The special clip is nicely made and works well.

Because of the thick blade the knife is also kinda heavy to wear, and the strong steel sheath even adds to this.
(But i only carry folders)
Because of the carbon blade it needs care, but overall it gives a good value for money.