Lynn Thompson... Full Contact Fighter...?!?!

Oct 4, 1998
I just read in a post about Lynn T. practicing "full contact fighting".
I am a CS fan and own almost 30 of your products. I am also a Mixed Martial Arts fighter (also referred to as Extreme Fighting, Ultimate Fighting or No Holds Barred Fighting). I have been active on the southeastern circuit (Atlanta area, mostly) over the past 2 years and also won the Extreme Trials National Championship last year in '99. I would be very interested to hear more about this "full contact fighting" that Lynn practices. Is it really MMA or is it some traditional style that has "full contact sparring" involved, such as Shidokan...?

Orion, hope all is well. I believe that Lynn participates in the "Dog Brothers" full contact stick fighting, pictures of which were published in one of the CS catalogs.
Hi, Chad...
All is well, hope it is the same for you.
I have some video tapes of the Dog Bros'. "get-togethers". I will have to go back and see if Lynn is on any of them!!!

Oh, and if you want to see some pics of my fighting escapades, go to

I've read about Lynn and the Dog brothers in Black Belt Magazine. I've also read that he's been training in Kickboxing and Brazilian Jujitsu.