• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

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Mad Science Photos!


Nose to the Grindstone
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Dec 5, 2005
Post up your Mad Science photos here :)

^that sword is badass, youve even got a jet to go with it. Well done mr stark
I've got the engines, but no jet (power plant operator)...but I do have matching knives out of the same C-5 blade ;)


the turbine blade sword is fuckin beastly- I LOVE it
the turbine blade sword is fuckin beastly- I LOVE it
I wish you lived close so you could play with it...it really has otherworldly handling. Considering the origin of the base material it's such a unicorn that I HATE shipping it (Sammy and I both aged a few years the last time it was in the mail ;)).

Just the swords for now.

My favorite:

First two Russian alloy Machetes:

And my to go whacker, an early one. I modified it myself, new handle, little refining on the bevel, added a spine ridge, refinished with orange peeling and kydex sheath.

This is how it looked before with allready redone handle by me:

And this is how it looks now. Sam, i know how much you like this kind of pics, this one is for you :D
Bwahahaha! Why thank you, BladeMan. X] It's cool to see the various morphings of them. The top one is by far the most refined and crazy, the Russian ones are so light and thin. You won't see hardly any Russian ones that are fully convex beveled like that, as the new ones will have a lower bevel. Then there's the early one, which gets to boast to the other blades about how it gets the most attention and use.

I think the trainer you made to match the top one is really badass and you should post it.
Ok, here is the trainer i made to match my favorite.
Made from 12 mm PA6 (super tough Nylon), beside the same overall shape and size i managed to have it at the exact same weight as the real deal - both weight 357 grams/12.6 oz - the balance point is within .5" the same and the flex of the blade is similiar too (can't measure it). Since this Nylon is so tough, it's basically a blunt weapon of it's own, you don't want to get hit with it. :D
