Manix 2 vs Native 5


Sep 12, 2002
This has probably been asked before.
I want to get a cpm S110V folder and I 'm looking at the G10 S110V versions of the Manix and Native.
Which one should I buy?



Are there any plans to make a S110V caly3
That would be a perfect edc.
I know this isn't the answer to the question you asked, but I would take the pm2 over either one of them. The handle ergonomics of the pm2 (for my hands) are superior to either the Native or the Manix. Given a choice between the two though, I would take the Manix. I don't really like that I can't get a full grip on the Native without using the choil.
I'm going to agree with Surfingringo to a point. I love the PM2 ergonomics! I , however, also love the Manix 2 ergonomics therefore recommend all 3. Start with whichever you're attracted to most. My edc:
Manix for the bolt action, but I have a feeling you will end up with both

Yeah...have the Manix. Love it. Earlier this week the evil minions on this forum convinced me to order the Native 5 Spyderco Forum edition. Arrives tomorrow!!!!!!!:eagerness:
Trying to keep it with only one :D

I don't like the PM2 or the Military
I do like the look of the Manix and Native (although I'm also not fond of a backlock or ball bearing lock)

What I really liked about the Caly 3 was the small handle, that knife is a real scalpel

Both! These are my absolute favorite Spyderco models, and for me, they serve different purposes.
The Manix serves as a primary RFP knife, while I like to carry the Native in LRP. Both are tough, well executed knives of premium materials that, IMO, value well exceeds price.
The major deciding factors (if you insist on only one) are size and lock type. Which do you prefer?
I will be getting both of those variations as well.
More pictures!
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Lock type aside it basically comes down to size. The Manix is a pretty big knife in the pocket and, while I have 2 and really like them, I actually prefer the small size of the Native 5 for EDC. I can keep my N5 in the watch pocket of my jeans and use my right pocket for other things.

As someone else said, you'll probably end up with both at some point. Also handle a PM2 if you haven't already. All 3 of these knives are winners IMO.
I say you really have to get all of them in hand and then decide for yourself. Spyderco is one of those weird brands as you will never ever know how much you love or don't love or would like to love one of their models until you get it in hand. I've learned to never ever judge a Spyderco on looks as you will never ever be able to tell what a Spyderco will do or won't do for you until handle it.
In my opinion these are two very different knives for different uses. The Manix can be used as a tactical weapon because of its heft and is just a bit too big "for my taste" to be whipped out in public to cut a box up or a tag off of a shirt, while the native is a good size for an all around edc blade and isn't so "scary looking" that it would cause an uproar if pulled out in a public setting.
I own and like both knives. They are quite different. For me , I prefer a knife that's a bit bigger with more beef to it so I'd choose the Manix2. And the ball bearing lock is great.
I say you really have to get all of them in hand and then decide for yourself. Spyderco is one of those weird brands as you will never ever know how much you love or don't love or would like to love one of their models until you get it in hand. I've learned to never ever judge a Spyderco on looks as you will never ever be able to tell what a Spyderco will do or won't do for you until handle it.

In my opinion these are two very different knives for different uses. The Manix can be used as a tactical weapon because of its heft and is just a bit too big "for my taste" to be whipped out in public to cut a box up or a tag off of a shirt, while the native is a good size for an all around edc blade and isn't so "scary looking" that it would cause an uproar if pulled out in a public setting.

+1 on both of these replies. Due to their size I never thought I'd want a Manix or PM2 until I was able to handle them. I added them to my collection but probably won't carry them too much. If I do carry them it'll probably be IWB with a smaller knife in my pocket for normal use.

Case in point. I hated the g10 version of the native. For its heft I'd prefer the Endura or pm2 anyday.

The endura and pm2, are fantastic. Especially the pm2, the pm2 is probably one of the greatest all around medium sized knife (singular) whose ergos would fit the widest number of users perfectly out of any knife in the market. Yet I would never carry it for my own purposes. It's just too much knife.

Whereas the Delica when I first saw it, thought it was the ugliest knife on the planet with its old school back lock.

After getting a 3 for free from a generous forum member which I then passed forward and picking up a 4, it gave me an appreciation for lockbacks. I also discovered that whenever I have a drawer full of folders I would go and grab the Delica for carry pretty much 10/10 times as its an 85% knife covering my edc needs though... For pretty much 100% of my edc needs.

Anyways back to the native. I got the frn version for Christmas. Totally different feel from the g10 version. I love it... Wouldn't have known until I had it in hand. Somewhere out there there's a model Spyderco whose ergos is just perfect for somebody. That's the way Spydercos go.
I'd get the Native, and I'd also make sure it was FRN. G10 is too slippery for me, and while I really dig the ball-lock, it just isn't the Axis lock I'm so familiar with. You really can't go wrong with any of 'em, but that's my take. FRN and back lock is what makes me happy, so I don't much deviate.
Nothing beats the Manix, as far as I'm concerned. Ergos are just fantastic. You can choke up and it cuts like a little knife, or get a regular grip and you've got yourself a full-sized knife.
Depends on the size of knife you want to lug around, and the size of your hands IMO.

The Native 5 is like the smaller back-lock brother of the Manix 2, similar in size to the Caly3. I have large hands, and have to use the choil on the Native 5 for a full grip. For the Manix I can easily get a full grip behind the choil.

The drawback is that the Manix is quite wide in pocket, and the standard production models do not have drilled out liners, so they are quite heavy. It is likely too big as an office EDC, where the Native 5 feels much more appropriate in that role.
Thanks for all the great comments, it doesn't make it easier to choose ;)

The drawback is that the Manix is quite wide in pocket, and the standard production models do not have drilled out liners, so they are quite heavy.

I was told all Manix 2 knives had skeletonised liners :confused:
Normally only the sprints have skeletonised liners. I have read nothing that would indicate it will be different with the standard production S110V model, unfortunately. Best bet is to wait for them to hit the market.