Mcusta VG10 laminated damascus..

Jan 18, 2003
These are knives made in Seki, Japan and so is the Calypso ZDP-189 laminated. They are not expensive knives. Is it possible that the upcoming spyderco blades be the same, using damascus laminations? :confused:
Yeah, I saw some of those... those are really cool looking knives... I'd like to see a ZDP189 cored laminate steel with a 420 Damascus cover...

Edit: And I would want Sal to make it for us...
William Henry has some knives that feature a damascus blade with a ZDP-189 core. I've heard that they're made by MCusta, but I have no idea if that's true or not. There are so many different Seki companies that it’s hard to know who makes what.

It would be cool to see a Spydie with that kind of blade. I'm not sure which existing model I'd like to see it on though. If I have permission to fantasize, a Scorpius with a damascus blade and a damascus handle could be very cool.
The William Henry lineup with the damascus/ZDP-189 laminate look incredible, but they cost about the same as a decorated large Sebenza or as much as some of the full size custom folders out there.

There wouldn't be much point in putting a material like that in a riveted Zytel handle, so I'm assuming that, less the semi-production status of the WHs, any knife made with the material is still going to be pretty expensive.
sph3ric pyramid said:
The William Henry lineup with the damascus/ZDP-189 laminate look incredible, but they cost about the same as a decorated large Sebenza or as much as some of the full size custom folders out there.

There wouldn't be much point in putting a material like that in a riveted Zytel handle, so I'm assuming that, less the semi-production status of the WHs, any knife made with the material is still going to be pretty expensive.

A. That's what we used to think about ZDP-189 in general (that it was too expensive to see in an affordable Spydie). :)

B. I think people are thinking of putting it in the Sprint Lum Chinese Folder which is not a riveted Zytel handle, anyway. ;)
i like the idea of doing a sprint run lum w.deeeeep purple almite w.what damascus like looks..i'd put out $250-300 for it..better be #'d though
The Mcusta knives use a VG10 core laminated between damascus outer layers. Am not entirely sure if the damascus is even stainless. In any event, finding a source of ZDP-189 core damascus blade stock is very unlikely.

The fact appears to be that, at the present time, only two outer steels are offered, plus solid ZDP-189. Unless you are suggesting Spdyderco find someone to custom make a ZDP/stainless damascus laminate for them (which I am guessing would be very expensive), or use the VG10/damascus laminate instead of the ZDP-189 ATS-134 or 420 laminates, which would go against a major component of the project being planned.
The Deacon said:
The Mcusta knives use a VG10 core laminated between damascus outer layers. Am not entirely sure if the damascus is even stainless. In any event, finding a source of ZDP-189 core damascus blade stock is very unlikely.

The fact appears to be that, at the present time, only two outer steels are offered, plus solid ZDP-189. Unless you are suggesting Spdyderco find someone to custom make a ZDP/stainless damascus laminate for them (which I am guessing would be very expensive), or use the VG10/damascus laminate instead of the ZDP-189 ATS-134 or 420 laminates, which would go against a major component of the project being planned.
It is a stainless damascus laminate.
Larrin said:
It is a stainless damascus laminate.
Ok Larrin, I was not sure. Perhaps I am misreading the original post, but it looks to me as if Danny is suggesting the VG-10 damascus laminate as a substiute for ZDP-189 in the Lum Chinese project and possibly even the Delica sprint run. Since at least one of the purposes of those runs is as a testbed for ZDP-189, I don't think it would work out.

Personally there are several models I would love to see a really eyecatching stainless damascus blade, laminated or solid, used on. Just don't think the ZDP sprint runs are the appropriate candidates.
Sorry for the misunderstandin. No I am not suggesting VG10 and damascus laminate. I am suggesting ZDP-189 and damascus laminate. William Henry has it. If the calypso can have this with a 420J laminate at a decent price, I doubt if using a damascus laminate would be too expensive since mcusta can do a VG10 with the damascus laminate a also a decent price. You can get them on ebay for $140.00. My point is that Spyderco has knives with VG10 for about a $100.00 and so is the calypso at about the same RETAIL price but can be had for alot less!
i have got a Mcusta VG10 and damascus laminate...
really nice blade and really nice damascus stainless...
Doing kindda "waves" on the VG10 blade.
I ordered a new calypso Jr to see if he woudl be sharper than my Mcusta (who is the sharpest knife i own for the moment, including my opinels and various spydies/benchmades...).

ZDP-189 and stainless laminate damascus would be a GREAT idea :D
As it would visibly be a knife a bit more expensive than the new calypso Jr, i'll suggest to also do the handle in stainless damascus...
That woudl make the nicest Lum Chinese ever made ! :eek:
freddy1 said:
i'll suggest to also do the handle in stainless damascus...
That woudl make the nicest Lum Chinese ever made ! :eek:

Oh, yeah... That would be sweet! :D The price would probably be up there, but if I had to sell some of my internal organs to afford one, I wouldn't hesitate.

Here's two of the William Henry models that use the damascus laminated ZDP-189: Rio and Signity. The damascus on the WH blades seems to be pretty similar to what you find on the MCusta knives. It looks like the same basic pattern, though the waves are more evenly spaced and a bit more pointy on the WH blades. It's possible that they're both made using the same process.