Mike Irie?

Nov 3, 1999
Does anyone know if Mike Irie has a website? I did a search and couldn't find one,but I'll double check here.........


Barry H
Nope, no web site. His email is MikeIrie@aol.com His phone number on his business card is 719-572-5330.

If you do a search for "irie" you'll find a bunch of recent posts with pics of his latest work.

I just bought a sport 100 with stag scales from Mike at the Las Vegas show. Nice guy, great knife.
got to handle allot of his blades in Vegas , they were sweet and I really was diggin his new folders !:D Got a few picts of his Folders ( not Terril quality though , but I am getting better ) that I can email to those who would like them....shoot me an email if you want to see em'.
I saw a pic of the sport 1000 compact utility at TAD. WOW! How do you like the tanto tip? Looks like a great companion for a woodworker. How wide and how thick is the blade on that?

Barry H
Barry, I got the sport 100...not the 1000. So i can't give info on that knife. Maybe someone else can give a review.
What wuz I thinkin'????? When ever I see zeros behind a numeral, I always seem to see more than there really are.

So, how about a review on your model 100 Sport:)

Barry H