Today is indeed a sad day. I knew that someday this day would come. Well, the day has finally arrived. The unthinkable has happened. My small sebenza got its first scratch. I was in my car driving along opening and closing my knife as usual. Sometimes I put my knife down beside me on the seat involuntarily, or I'll put it back in my pocket. After I got home I opened the door and was about to get out, but for some reason I slowly got up and was thinking in my head where did I put my sebenza. The back of my mind was thinking it was in my pocket. So I precedded to get out and then I hear a loud CLINK! I didnt' even bother to look down onto the concrete because I know what had happened. I had my sebenza on my lap and it fell when I got up.
I stood there stunned for a couple of seconds, then I looked down and there she was on the hard concrete. I picked her up and although I was sad, I was happy at the same time because I knew I would be able to use this knife hard without worrying about scratching it, as it was intended.
Hehe, I know you sebenza owners were cringing while reading this. Thanks for feeling my pain. It'll take some time but I'll get over it.
[This message has been edited by JoHnYKwSt (edited 24 July 1999).]

Hehe, I know you sebenza owners were cringing while reading this. Thanks for feeling my pain. It'll take some time but I'll get over it.
[This message has been edited by JoHnYKwSt (edited 24 July 1999).]