My baby got hurt today.

Mar 1, 1999
Today is indeed a sad day. I knew that someday this day would come. Well, the day has finally arrived. The unthinkable has happened. My small sebenza got its first scratch. I was in my car driving along opening and closing my knife as usual. Sometimes I put my knife down beside me on the seat involuntarily, or I'll put it back in my pocket. After I got home I opened the door and was about to get out, but for some reason I slowly got up and was thinking in my head where did I put my sebenza. The back of my mind was thinking it was in my pocket. So I precedded to get out and then I hear a loud CLINK! I didnt' even bother to look down onto the concrete because I know what had happened. I had my sebenza on my lap and it fell when I got up.
I stood there stunned for a couple of seconds, then I looked down and there she was on the hard concrete. I picked her up and although I was sad, I was happy at the same time because I knew I would be able to use this knife hard without worrying about scratching it, as it was intended.

Hehe, I know you sebenza owners were cringing while reading this. Thanks for feeling my pain. It'll take some time but I'll get over it.


[This message has been edited by JoHnYKwSt (edited 24 July 1999).]
Don't you fret, you are now a free man. Go cut without worries now.

Plus you can always send the knife back to the Reeves for servicing if you are so inclined. I dropped my large Sebenza on a bunch of rocks on Sunday at the beach. No mechanical damage, just all these pretty scratches. I too, am a free man!


My condolences. I remember my first Sebenza scratch well. *sigh* I feel your pain, man. Was it the blade, handle, or both?

Don't you people feel pathetic? It's a stinking tool! Or maybe a weapon, but still something that by its very nature is meant to have a tough, working "life." If you have to be that carefull, then I think you waisted your money. Not because the knife isn't worth it, but because you are too psycologically simple to get the value out of what you invested in. If you're carrying a knife on you, it should be a work knife; not a knife that you won't use. Otherwise, keep it at home with the collectables.

Sorry for sounding like a jerk.
I know the feeeling, when I had my Ek fall out of my truck(It was brand new) and did the same thing. Man I felt bad, yet relieved, 'cause I can give it a real beating now(and I have too


H'mmmm reminds me of when I bought my car. I waited with dread for the first ding to appear. When it finally did I slept better.
If you want to have it like NIB - then keep it in the box. If you intend to use it - do not cry when it gets scratched. I use all my knives and would have to cry 24 hours a day.
Sorry, that's the way I see it.
Come on have to feel something for the guy...I was an unnecessary scratch. Oh well...stuff happens.

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

I feel bad for Johnny, and I sense a bit of sarcastic humor from his post, which is a good thing. Personally, I'm one who really goes the extra mile to take care of everything I own, because I like to see things last as long as possible, and I sincerely appreciate owning nice things. Of course, with Murphy's law always prevalent and inevitable, s*** happens, and I'm consciously aware of that. So when I damage one of mine, I kick out the appropriate four-letter salute, then get on with it. Nevertheless, it's always hard to see damage done to something you really like, whether living or not. Especially since this was a 'benza here and not a zytel-handled ____! But as Greg, Prigger, and Sharpsteel said, now you can be free to use it without worry, Johnny. After the initial shock wears off, that should be a good feeling. Anyone that can use something of higher value like a Sebenza, and can bang it around without any worry right from the start, must be incredibly, filthy rich, or someone who just doesn't give a ratt's behind about anything. I'm sure I wouldn't want to see where you live. If you're really that wealthy, then buy a couple of extra benza's for me to beat up (I have two already, like that's not enough), and I'll gladly destroy them for you. In fact, I'll use a large decorated one as a throwing knife just to prove my point! Hehe. Really though, if I'm spending the extra greenbacks for a Sebenza, I'm obviously going to worry about it more than a normal production knife. I literally do throw my normal production stuff around without much worry.

[This message has been edited by Savman (edited 22 July 1999).]
So, JoHnYKwSt, to use an expression of my dad's, you soiled your first virgin, eh? Cut with abandon now, consider yourself liberated.

bigtim and David, I'll agree with Jackyl here, we're just trying to have some lighthearted fun and share his pain, that we've "been there, done that". No need to be harsh. We all buy tools knowing we're going to use them, and in using them, we can't protect them, but we don't want to start flogging on something right out of the box and abuse something. Good tools, used properly and cared for, will provide amny years of good service, regardless of scratches, but those first couple of scratches, once out of the way, gives confidence in a tool's ability to perform up to its intended job. That's all.

Don LeHue

The pen is mightier than the sword...outside of arm's reach. Modify radius accordingly for rifle.

[This message has been edited by DonL (edited 23 July 1999).]
I don't mean to be rude, but just what in the Hell were you doing driving along, flicking your knife open and closed? One, you should be paying attention to the driving and, two, if you hould have a crash with an open knife in the car, it would become a lethal device flying around in the passenger compartment.

I sympathize with you about getting the first scratch on an expensive new toy, but not in how it happened. From where I sit, I think that you got off lucky.

Walk in the Light,

Really? I hear of people "flicking" while they drive all of the time...I don't do it myself, but I don't see it as a probelm. Ever see a woman apply make-up on the highway doing 70mph.?

- AKTI Member ID# A000322

- Intelligent men, unfortunately, learn from fools, more often than fools learn from intelligent men.

This is a tradgic tale, but one I too can relate to. It would seem one's lap can swallow a knife for miles, and it's never found till the unmistakeable sound of ti-to-concrete is heard. Nonetheless, it may be the type of thing that can be buffed out of a blade or re-blasted out of a handle if it's not too deep and ugly. You might email Chris Reeve about it if it interests you. I once had Kalgard reapplied to one of his Sable IV's that I own. Or you could live with the scratch like you said and begin to treat the unit like the tank that it is. Just my $.02.


Ever notice no other candy tastes quite like Pez? Oh yeah, and the BM Axis rules.

It must have something to do with where I drive. The Washington DC area is a nightmare to drive in, as any of the DC area Knife Knuts will tell you. If you drift for a second, you are likely in an accident. I also object to those whose business is so important that they must gab on a cell phone while driving and the damned fools who read a newspaper in the car. But still, I do consider myself a Knife Knut, but I cannot imagine driving along while flicking your knife. That seems to me like driving along while playing with a loaded pistol!

Walk in the Light,

I feel that as long as you're not in an involved traffic situation (ala downtown D.C. or the equivalent), there's no reason to think that opening and closing your one-hand knife is unsafe. If you're going to get into an accident, then throw the thing onto the floor of the passengers side, and get your knife hand on the wheel! When I'm in my car and literally stuck at a standstill, I'll unclip my knife from my pocket and open/close away. Beats the hell out of chewing nails or smoking. When traffic gets moving, I'll put it (closed)into the change holder in my center console. Also, I do "play" with the knife while cruising long, boring stretches of highway. But, in intense traffic situations, I agree it's best to NOT play with the knife, cell phone, newspaper, etc. That's a good way to get into an ugly situation.

Also, DonL, I don't think the responses by bigtim or David1967 were lighthearted or fun, but they were to the point (maybe too much). I'd have to agree with bigtim's last statement, he was responding "like a jerk".
I've worked around automobile mechanics nearly all my life, and I've always been impressed with those who used Snapon tools. They all seemed to use them as the tool was intended, laid them and dropped them on concrete etc., but whenever they where finished, took time to clean them up, polished them or whatever, placed them carefully in their tool boxes, amd generally pampered them with the care an expensive tool requires. That is the way I feel about working knives, if you pay money for the best then you don't want careless damage to them. It's just a tool, but a good one. My sympathy!

[This message has been edited by ThomM (edited 22 July 1999).]
When a tool gets damaged during use - It hurts a little. If it gets damaged while admiring...that's another feeling.
THars why I think I will buy a Bm Pinnicle, the poor mans Sebenza. I would cry too if I paid $325.00 for a knife and dropped it!
Fuzz, I dropped the knife closed so it's the handle that got scratched.

David and Bigtim, I know where You guys are coming from and understand what you guys mean. I never intended to keep my knife NIB. When I bought the knife (Used) I kinda wanted the knife to come "used" so I would be able to use it without worry. However, it came almost NIB. So I didn't want to beat it up too bad. I used it for normal cutting tasks, reserving the heavy cutting for my Delica. Now that its broken in I'll use it like it was intended, without worry. Yes, a tool is a tool and should be used like a tool, but I look at my knife as more than as just a tool. To me its more like an expensive watch; why buy a Rolex when a Seiko works just as good if not better? While its true that the sebenza works better than most knifes out there, I wanted to keep it looking new as long as posible.

Savman and to everyone else who felt my pain (yes my post was is supposed to be sort of a sarcastic humor), Thanks for backing me up.
