Naked and Afraid - What would you bring?

Feb 19, 2013
There is a new survival TV series out called naked and afraid. The gist of the show is that they take two people (a man and woman) and put them into a survival situation with nothing except for one personal item each in a cloth bag. No clothes, no shoes, nothing but that one item. The challenge lasts 21 days.

Now personally I would never bet my survival on one item but it is kind of fun to consider the possibilities. To avoid the obvious KNIFE answers lets say you know for sure that your partners item is a knife. What would your one item be? Additionally, if you feel like mentioning a specific knife feel free to do so.

I'm thinking a large clear heavy duty plastic sheet. You could use it to make a solar still, to catch rainwater and for waterproofing a shelter.
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Biggest Space Blanket I could find. Does everything the plastic sheet does and reflects heat for thermal regulation.
Depends on where. I'd choose a different item if this was set in Arizona than if it were set in the tropics.
Cold Steel Special Forces Shovel. Now we don't have to worry about breaking the knife via batoning, and can dig, chop, paddle, etc.
If the knife is a given then I want a sure method of fire. A Bic would be nice but I have started fires in most conditions with a firesteel so either would be fine with preference on the firesteel.
Did anyone watch the episode where the survival instructor was trying to make a bow drill fire. She was getting very frustrated because the vine she was attempting to use as a cord kept messing up. She was wearing the bag, which looked to be made of woven cord at the time.
Survival isn't about being some sort of Rambo, it is about being able to look at things and see different purposes for them.
I would lay more money on someone who grew up poor in the country, making do with what they had and reusing everything surviving than I would a lot of the instructors out there who simply took a few classes and never figured out how to make a fire without a lighter.

Oh and I forgot to say what I would bring. A decent quality machete. You can do or make almost anything you want with a good sized fixed blade or a machete.

A big mirror. So that everyone in the TV audience could see how many people and how much resources are right behind the camera while we're trying to "survive."
How about a two or three person tent? I would try to scavenge other items out of it, such as clothing, cordage, fishing net, spear, foot bindings. It would be perfect if the other person brought a knife or take-apart scissors (so both people can have blades).