Navigating the Redmeadow Subforum

Redmeadow Knives

John Conner
Knifemaker / Craftsman / Service Provider
Aug 29, 2010
The Redmeadow subforum can seem overwhelming at first glance... and second glance....

You'll find threads for everything from music, to mayhem with banter and sarcasm, all in good fun. You'll also find progress threads for most of my builds and explanations of my process.

This thread will be a Table of Contents for categorized links. I've focused my work into four categories all listed below. The Cowbell Knives, Leather work (Belts etc.), Stacked Leather Knives, and the 4th category Unique & Ciustom knives that I get the inkling to make, usually based off ideas and suggestions from everyone or a random idea that pops in my head.


The Cowbell Build Thread
Here you'll find up to date progress on the Cowbell knives as they're built.

Cowbell Discussion Thread
Self explanatory, usually we discuss Cowbells in the build thread above, but here is another place for it.

Redmeadow Pocket Blade Info Thread
Though some of the info is outdated, this is where the most information about the Cowbell knife can be found.

A Tale of Twin Cowbells
A fun thread detailing the build of a set of Cowbells for twin brothers.

The 2020 Cowbell Deluxe
Every year we'll make a Deluxe Cowbell and sell in the forum.


A Stitch in Time
This is where you'll find most Redmeadow Leather projects and the place to find info on Custom Belts.

National Leathercraft day and a Reminder for Leather Maintenance
Annual reminder to throw some care and maintenance to your leather gear and stacked leather knives.


The Stacked Leather Zone
A discussion of stacked leather knives and info on my most recent plans on the subject.

Desperados Waiting For a Train
Build thread for the Redmeadow Serrano knives


🚧 I'll get the builds linked here, there's a lot to sort through 🚧


Ice Cream Has No Bones
Random Chat thread, everything and anything.

Official Holiday Thread
Holiday discussion

Happy Birthday Everyone!
Subforum Anniversary Thread 6/16

If'n I freeze I can't rightly drop
All things weather

Bowies, Fighters and Coffin Handles
Open discussion about Bowie features


Great Songs, Good Songs and ones that'll do
Everyone's favorite music (Youtube videos)

Western Movies
Westerns from past to present

John Prine
Discussion about the late great John Prine


To the Makers of things, Show us what you do
Your place to post your hobbies and creations, from Knifemaking to Underwater Basketweaving

The Crafsman Steady Craftin
If you haven't heard of The Crafsman, you're missin out.

What Would Redmeadow Drive
Guesses on what I would drive if I had my pick

Spark is generous with the Hosted subs and let's us moderate them as we see fit as long as it doesn't violate any forum rules. That being said, I don't mind thread necromancy, off topic discussions, or general tomfoolery, the only thing I ask is please no F-Bombs or the like. By all means though if you want to start a thread about your pet porcupine or your love for Polka music have at it, (on second thought, maybe keep the polka music to yourself).

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Howdy John!!
First post 2022...
I don't know if that's even a thing...
Hope all is well down South in Montana!!
Randy!! Good to see you in this neck of the woods wildman. All is well down here, hope you're livin large up there and don't forget, Never let the bastards get you down!!
Randy!! Good to see you in this neck of the woods wildman. All is well down here, hope you're livin large up there and don't forget, Never let the bastards get you down!!
10-4 brother!!
Never let them bastards get me down, Will do!!
I finally stumbled onto the guide to the sub forums!!
That May have saved me some rambling, but where's the fun in that?

Thanks for the invite John...
I kinda just hunkered down in the Greyline, & never bothered
doin a recon of where the rest of y'all were hiding...
But, you've made a nice community here...
I'm enjoying the navigating & the getting to know a bit about
the other folks...
So thanks again John...
Best wishes to you & yours...
Talk to you soon!!
-Randy, aka Sixx, Leduc County, Alberta