Need help identifying machete

Jun 5, 2010
I've had this machete in my possession for over 5 years just sitting in my closet. Can I get some help identifying it? I would love to know the history of these, if it's truly old.
Overall length 23-3/8"
Blade length 18"
Full tang with 4 rivets and 1 lanyard hole
Written on base is
A logo of a crown with arm hold hammer
Next line says "legitimus"
Collins and co
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Its not truly old -it's only 72 years young:)
Got one similar but truetemper 1944-was my Grandfathers.
Mine has a similar level of pitting and patina but no real rust to speak of-
Same handle.Yours has a good clear stamp.
Sorry about the 5 posts, but I am struggling with posting pictures that are viewable. I asked to have them removed.
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The photos raise more questions than they answer. How long is the blade? How thick, wide? What is the construction of the handle, what materials? Does the tang go the whole length of the handle?

The photos do not show the words and pictures on the blade. The blade suggests a Latin pattern, but the handle looks more elaborate, and maybe more expensive than is usually found on a working blade. Other than the blade, it doesn’t resemble anything I am familiar with.

This place can be surprising, though. There is probably somebody who knows something.
The photos raise more questions than they answer. How long is the blade? How thick, wide? What is the construction of the handle, what materials? Does the tang go the whole length of the handle?

The photos do not show the words and pictures on the blade. The blade suggests a Latin pattern, but the handle looks more elaborate, and maybe more expensive than is usually found on a working blade. Other than the blade, it doesn’t resemble anything I am familiar with.

This place can be surprising, though. There is probably somebody who knows something.
I’ll respond to your questions soon after I’m able to obtain better photos. I was frustrated with posting and it took way more time than I had to spend. Lol. Thank you so much for helping.
You might do well to post your inquiry in the Bernard Levine’s Knife Collection and Identification subforum, as well. It will be seen by more members who are likely to be able to help, and it will not be conflated with this thread which deals with Collins machetes specifically.
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D.E. Henry (great knife maker) did a nice book on all things Collins - machete, bowies, etc. Probably out of print now, but try Knife World Books and/or the big book store for a copy. Excellent reference to have.