New Ebony 110 scales swelling ?

Aug 31, 2003
Gentlemen what are your thoughts on this YouTube video. The guy claims the Ebony scales on his new production 110 have swelled. Basically the wood is a little raised where it meets the brass on the corners and you can catch your nail on it. Mine too is exactly like this but it was like it when it was new and I can’t say it’s got worse. Personally I don’t think it’s swelling and more a case of not finished flush in the factory.

I wish I had my 4 minutes back.

This gentleman seems good natured and pleasant with his youtube hairdo, but he is not someone I would loan a knife to.

He calls the standard Buck 110 laminated handle wood "ironwood", but seems to understand it is a laminate and not actually desert ironwood. (Dymondwood is the trade name I believe).

But the complaint about swelling is sad because he goes on to say he has been slathering the solid ebony wood knife handle with WD40. The swelling is likely from the genuine ebony wood absorbing this petroleum product. WD40 is fine for steel blades and metal on guns, but for goodness sake do not let it soak into any real wood, bone, or stag.

Wood should get real tung oil or Tried & True Danish Oil only.

This guy is creating his own problem.

And ebony is not at all absorbent of moisture- it is quite stable, so I suspect he must he soaking this knife handle in WD40......!

Not Bucks fault.
He thinks it has absorbed he's drenching it with WD40 as a fix?

The guy doesn't seem to have a clue. The knife was probably that way when he got it.

Much ado about nothing.
Sounds like another YouTube moronic idiot and fool that knows less than nothing about a subject "he" thinks "he" is an "expert authority" on.

If the "person" on YouTube strikes me as a know nothing "expert" I stop the video, leave a message "he" does not know squat, and move on.
Usually you can tell of they know what they are talking about with-in the first minute.
Oh no! Doesn’t he realize WD 40 is a penetrating oil? That means it will penetrate small cracks and porous materials. Some people just don’t get it.
watched it.... think everyone here has said everything that needs to be said already......