New M18 standard model hitting the dealers.


Jan 15, 2012
I'm happy to announce the launch of a new version of the M18. For those of you that have followed the M18 from the first one about 5 years ago. Know that the design has changed very little, but the processes I use to make them has been constantly changing in order to get the time to make them and yes, even the price down a little to make it more blue color friendly. After a lot of work, and lots of $$$$ on my end, I introduce to you the M18 standard model.

The standard is the exact same specs of the M18 everyone is familiar with. Same blank actually, the only difference is that I figured out a way to save a lot of time making them. First, since I do all of my own leather work, and all of the stiching was done by hand, by the time I drillled all of the holes and hand stiched each stitch. It took me about two hours just to sew one sheath. Put that into perspective when this is only one model of knife I make, the time I spent torturing my hands sewing was ridiculous. So, I bought me a brand new leather sewing machine and now I can sew a M18 sheath in about 40 seconds and do it flawlessly. So, big time savings there.

Another thing I wanted to do, to up production, and cut production time without cutting quality was to offer a premanufactered bolt on handles. I met Joe Snarski (LMF knives) last year, and we immediately became friends and started to cook up some business for us both. For those of you that dont know Joe, hes pretty well known for making aftermarket handles for esee knives, as well as Beckers, and Brian Griffins knives just to name a few. Now I'm not one that likes to source things out. I have extreme trust issues when it comes to other peoples hands associated with my name. But I got to say Joe is just as serious about the quality and reputatiin of his product. He was a immediate fit for what I wanted to do. Needless to say, these handles save hours of work per knife, and since they are made from my specs, they are just as comfortable as the hand sculpted handles I've been making for the last several years. Oh, and did I mention, the price point on these is in most cases $100. less than the "custom" model. As of right now, the new standard model M18 will be available in four colors. Black, Brown, Green, and Camo. and the first batches have already hit the shelves at a couple of my dealers. USA made blade have 5 now and will be receiving another 5 in the next couple of weeks, and Apache tactical in Nashville Indiana has accepted a batch as well. As of right now, these several and the ones I will be taking to BLADE will be all that is available until mid June. After that, I plan on having a constant stock of them.
Of coarse the "custom" M18 with different materials and configurations is still available for appropriate costs and delivery times.

So, here they are, the new "standard model" M18

Oh yeah, and I forgot to mention, they are now also available in kydex as well as leather sheaths! :-) thanks for lookin!
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👍 How much you charging for them? Didn't see it on the site and couldn't send you email through the site for some reason.
they are $490 for green/camo micarta and $495 for brown/black micarta at USA Made Blade.
(with leather sheath and free shipping)
not sure why the $5 price difference.
they are $490 for green/camo micarta and $495 for brown/black micarta at USA Made Blade.
(with leather sheath and free shipping)
not sure why the $5 price difference.

Tooling on the leather sheath is the $5. difference.
Congrats, Todd. Looks like you've worked out a pretty sweet way to pull all that off.
Awesome, Todd.

I hope this helps to streamline the process a little for you guys.

What are the chances of seeing this with other models, down the road?
Awesome, Todd.

I hope this helps to streamline the process a little for you guys.

What are the chances of seeing this with other models, down the road?

That is definately the intent, I plan on offering midtech versions of the Yuma, Tradewater, maybe the Magua, and reintroducing a new version of the M9. I will say that the hornet will be going away though. But yes to answer your question Cooper. All it takes is money! ;) :thumbup:
Awesome Todd! Great to think outside the box to get an awesome product in more people's hands and great partner to pick in Joe. He is a class guy.
Excellent! I've wanted one of these for quite a while. Now when I get my dough together one will be available. Too cool Mr. Hunt. :thumbup:
That is definately the intent, I plan on offering midtech versions of the Yuma, Tradewater, maybe the Magua, and reintroducing a new version of the M9. I will say that the hornet will be going away though. But yes to answer your question Cooper. All it takes is money! ;) :thumbup:

a midtech magua with brown micarta..........
(because I'll never be able to order a mid-tech yuma or tradewater, unless the micarta scales are completely solid with no glue relief holes on the back).
LMF Joe's handi-work is cutting down handle finishing time majorly, thus this is a MAJOR plus. The dude does great work. Kydex is always in demand.
Love all of these! Thank you for letting us sell them!