New Years's Greetings


Himalayan Imports Owner ~
Apr 5, 2005

Soon it will be new year's day. A happy, healthy and prosperous new year to all. Many thanks to all of you for your sincere friendship and business support in 2006. There have been some difficult times during the year and I truly appreciate all you have done to keep HI the best hand crafted Khukuri and Sword coming out of Nepal. Looking forward to 2007 with all of you.
One day left for 2006.

And only 22 more years until the near-miss asteroid flys under our satellites!
I really want to be around for that.

happy early new years!!! lol :D :thumbup:
i look forward to a new year with all you crazy HIKV infected khuk maniacs :)

thank you yangdu for all the wonderful khukuris you provided us with... cant wait for what next year brings us hehe. :cool:

everyone have a very safe new years!!! wooooot woooot!
this is going to be an amazing fantastic year.
we will start to cure blindness and paralysis and deafness.
We will start to cure aids and cancer.
We will do many great things...
2006 was a great year for me and HI khuks. some fantastical stuff. there was some other stuff not so good, and that i would like to forget.

2007 would be most fine, yes, very fine.

Here's to a happy, prosperous New Year to you all. A snifter of fine VSOP to your health in 2007.
I wish y'all a happy and prosperous new year.

i'll be hoisting one for all y'all later today (i'll probably get started early as i'm in an earlier time zone than most of you - except john s. of course)
Blessings and peace.

The community here warms my heart and reminds me of my humanity.

May next year be better than last year for all.

I'll be working new years eve. Everyone wants to eat before heading out to party. everyone drive safe, please.
We are all blessed to be able to be here on such a great forum to wish a Happy New Year to our friends.