
Nov 25, 2004
Hello all, I just signed up and wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the Knife scene and hope to learn from you all. I have no training whatsoever but I am a quick learner.
Capt. Trips said:
Hello all, I just signed up and wanted to introduce myself. I'm new to the Knife scene and hope to learn from you all. I have no training whatsoever but I am a quick learner.
You're going to learn all about all sorts of weird things here, and not just related to knives! :)

Welcome, and have fun.
Welcome to the forums. This place will quickly get you buying $100+ knives. :)
turn back now capt!!! while you still have $ in the bank!! you DONT want to fuel this addiction - and this is the websight that got it all started in me! :eek:
Don't listen to these guys, they 're all on some form of mind altering substance, this is a happy place, with nice respectful people. :rolleyes:

Ya ever kill anybody? :eek: , what's you take on politics :confused: , religion :confused: , do ya feel the need to stab people :cool: , does you foot fit conveniently in your mouth :footinmou , do you disagree with 90% of the people on the forum :mad: , does your mom have to take you to the mall? :)

I'm just kiddin' with ya Capt. just a few inside jokes, welcome and enjoy the ride. :cool:

BTW Jerry says high :cool: .
Dr. Thor said:
Or a half, or a third... :eek:

To those making fun of my comment, I said "$100+ knives". That means multiple knives costing more than $100 (like a $400 Sebenza) :rolleyes:
hey don't spook the guy, most people inhere are normal. We do have some "Gollems" like in "Lord Of The Rings" hanging around, we have some pre-puberty "will a big bowie knife transform me into a lean mean fighting machine" types. We have the "elite" type collectors inhere that collect knives with a 4 figure number on the pricetag. But most of all have only one real "problem" and that is that they collect and love sharp objects. If u can find yourself in any of the above types discribed above u will feel welcome. Oh by the way, there is a game inhere called "troll bashing". If they suspect you are a troll they will hang u up like a piñata and verbally beat the crap out of you! This happens in "Wine & Cheese", so beware if u enter that forum or a question is transfert to W&C. Also use the search button first because some old timers don't like to answer the same question 3751098 times in a row. i wish u a wonderfull stay in BFC :)
welcome! Welcome! You will learn a lot from this forum, you will hear some crazy stuff too! Paul
loki88 said:
Oh by the way, there is a game inhere called "troll bashing". If they suspect you are a troll they will hang u up like a piñata and verbally beat the crap out of you! This happens in "Wine & Cheese", so beware if u enter that forum or a question is transfert to W&C. :)

That's priceless, a pinata :D .
Thanks for the welcome, I can already feel the love. I Think I fall into the "I love sharp objects " group. Most of the Knives I own come from Bud K or the flea market. I'm into all kinds of Knives from balisongs to bowies, folders and throwers, The tomahawk kinda turns me on too. I would love to be able to make my own blades so far I've only made one kit knife and some throwers made out of nails.

T. Erdelyi
Ya ever kill anybody? (Not in the last 15 minutes ), what's you take on politics :yawn: , religion :confused: , do ya feel the need to stab people( only on occasion) , does you foot fit conveniently in your mouth(many times) , do you disagree with 90% of the people on the forum (yes... No... Maybe) , does your mom have to take you to the mall?(only when she wants me to buy her something)

I'm just kiddin' with ya Capt. just a few inside jokes, welcome and enjoy the ride. (Thank you).

BTW Jerry says high . ( I need a miracle :) )

He's a righteous man...


I Know one big bowie cannot turn me into a lean mean fighting machine
but what about a very big bowie and a....... Dremmel. :D

Thanks alot for the welcome guys I hope to be kicking around here for some time. may your blades not chip and shatter. ;)
WadeF said:
To those making fun of my comment, I said "$100+ knives". That means multiple knives costing more than $100 (like a $400 Sebenza) :rolleyes:
I know, I post in here after finding it through the balisong forum a while back (I did end up with a cheapie one of these, but if I can't legally carry it, then I'm not willing to spend more then enough for a jag (yet^^)) looking for a good $40-50 or so EDC knife, and within a week you jerks convince me to spend $110 on the rittergrip, and then completely of my own will I buy another $115 dollar knife a month or two later:P.

I swear you guys are contagious.