Well, my answer would have been the Handiman and the Kozuka with the drop point blade (both from RJ Martin) -- I say "would have" because I just actually acquired them. R. J. was very kind to indulge me by allowing me to visit his shop. Needless to say, I am blown away by the Handiman's drop-point recurved blade, and also the drop point smooth-belly blade on the Kozuka. For the first time in my life, I was terrified to do the shave test because when I just touched the blades to the back of my hand the hair just fell off without my trying!!!! We're talking *beyond* scary sharp! The Kozuka mahogany sheath with magnets is one of the best designs I've ever seen -- I can draw the blade completely silently. I also had the opportunity to handle his DA folder and the Quickening FB -- the Quickening, in my opinion, could cut an arm off without a problem -- it's that tough and sharp. If I could have afforded it, I'd have taken home all these pieces! But at least I have the Handiman and the Kozuka. All of the pieces can easily be described as perfectly balanced and very solid to hold, with flawless fit and finish.
I'll post further stuff in Reviews, but for now, if you are interested in R.J.'s stuff, start ordering now from him and Les Robertson, because I feel he is gonna be the "next guy" on the very top of the custom biz, and he is already getting backordered!
Best Regards,
P.S. Thanks to RJ for the great work and first-class customer treatment!