O Katana ?

Aug 15, 2010
Hi guys, i want a katana for heavy cutting (just for fun, not practice), i read a little about this kind of sword and i'm stuck with two choice..

Fisrt the Cheness O Katana made from 9260 spring steel for ~ $300 or the Cold Steel O Katana (Warrior series) with 1055 carb. steel for $320.

I don't know much about this two swords and i was wondering wich one worth the price, i just want something for my backyard and can take abuse.

Any suggestions please?
Not an expert,but spring steel sounds good to me,tough stuff! My wakazahi is 1/4" at thickerst point and can be devastating,blued carbon steel form flea market,$40.00:thumbup:
The handles will be the weakspot. Slicing into a person, soft object, is not the same as something like a tree.
Hit a tree with a baseball bat, feel the vibration in your hand, it hurts right?
That will break lots of sword handles. The Busse, Swamp Rat, wakis have full tangs and micarta handle scales. They are made for fun/abuse.
I don't know what you have in mind for "heavy cutting", but I wouldn't chop wood with a traditional sword handle.
Get a more modern/tactical handle. You can chop trees with a Swamp Rat Waki, they guarantee their blades for that kind of use.
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So your choice would be the cheness, i'll check for this sword and thanks Hesparus for the reviews!

I don't know what you have in mind for "haevy cutting", but I wouldn't chop wood with a traditional sword handle.

Yeah.. especially woods and yard work but I had not thought about the handle, i will take a look at the swamp rat but now my choice is more difficult :rolleyes:
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I would not recommend any traditional style katana for heavy cutting. My reasons are stated in previous posts. You need a blade and handle specifically designed for hard targets. The Swamp Rat Waki sounds suitable.

When you decide and start having fun in the back yard, please be very careful. No person or animal should be anywhere near you when you start swinging.
Thanks for you recommendation, but i can't find anywhere to buy the Swamp Rat Waki not even a price, on the official website they only have a "steak knife-like" for sale aka the "Rodent Solution" also i live in canada so it was more complex for me to buy a knife on the forum.. :yawn:
Thanks for you recommendation, but i can't find anywhere to buy the Swamp Rat Waki not even a price, on the official website they only have a "steak knife-like" for sale aka the "Rodent Solution" also i live in canada so it was more complex for me to buy a knife on the forum.. :yawn:

Look here under the Busse's for sale. There is one for sale right now. New they ranged from $385 up to $415 or so, depending on micarta or G-10.
Here's mine, black canvas micarta, and a Armorall leather sheath.


The Busse AK47 is very similar, longer 47cm to be exact, but will cost you about $1200.
Neither are traditional, but very strong, Swamp Rat is SR101, a modified 52100, and the Busse is their INFI.
This is a beautiful knife you have foxx, you must have some fun with it!

Everytime i go on this forum i want something new.. :foot:

But god $400 i can't afford this right now, and i m.u.s.t have a katana in my hands.
This is a beautiful knife you have foxx, you must have some fun with it!

Everytime i go on this forum i want something new.. :foot:

But god $400 i can't afford this right now, and i m.u.s.t have a katana in my hands.

Your lack of patience and understanding of the dynamics involved with be rewarded with absolute FAILURE.

Best Regards,

STeven Garsson
Yeah for sure, i'm a total beginner with this kind of sword, but we learn by making mistakes. :p

The failure you could experience may wind up injuring you or someone else.

A sharp sword is not a weapon to be played with.....doing so could result in serious bodily injury.

Best Regards,

Steven Garsson
I agree with the safety concerns. I have swung the waki a few times. I don't play around, it can be very dangerous. I pay the utmost attention to what I am doing while holding any sword. Learn with a wood or plastic bokken, take lessons, etc. I have spent lots more time with a bokken in my hand.
Get the $20 plastic katana from Cold Steel to "play" and have fun with, seriously.
The last thing you want to do is learn from making mistakes with a sword. Learn from others' mistakes, know what you are doing before hand.
Okay okay safety first :thumbup::cool:

I'll try to take lessons with a good instructor and use this kind of sword alone in my back yard. ;)
I've never taken any lessons. But, I'm aware of what's around me, people, kids, dogs, etc..
I don't swing without intent, control, and consideration of where my swing will stop. I have been using a bokken to practice with for years, I've never hit myself with it, but that's how I've gained some better control.
Take lessons, if you want, that's great. Either way, man just be careful. I see videos on Tosh.0 where swords are used as play things. Tosh, was swinging that sword around cameras, people, indoors, and broke it trying to chop wood.
That sort of activity is dangerous, understand swords are meant for "soft" targets. Trees can destroy cars, a sword is no match.
Thanks for your advice foxx, i'll watch my moves ;)

Tosh.0 is a good exemple but before he throw it into the cameraman the pommel was -mysteriously?- removed, so it was almost predictable? but i agree with you, it can be very dangerous.

Trees can destroy cars, a sword is no match.

Meh.. that's a good one, i've destroyed my car on a three 2 months ago thanks to the black ice. :grumpy: