• The BladeForums.com 2024 Traditional Knife is ready to order! See this thread for details: https://www.bladeforums.com/threads/bladeforums-2024-traditional-knife.2003187/
    Price is $300 ea (shipped within CONUS). Now open to the forums as a whole. If you live outside the US, I will contact you after your order for extra shipping charges. If there are customs issues? On you.

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Oh... and what about Jooltool?

Jan 16, 2007
I've been using a Jooltool lately (http://www.jooltool.com/) for sharpening carving knives and lathe tools. Works pretty good. Anyone here use one? Have any thoughts or tips?
I like it cause you can see the bevel through slots in the grinder and it seems to work fast. Don't know if it'd be good for shaping a blade though.
It looks like a standard split-lap machine to me.
I don't think it's your best bet for shaping blades.
Looks like a stationary dremel with finishing wheels to me. Even if you could shape a blade on it I think you would find it substandard and costly in wheels compared to a belt grinder.
I appreciate the input. Now that i think about it... i'm pretty sure it wouldn't work well at all for blade shaping. Sharpening, though is another matter. I guess that the folks at Flexcut use the Jooltool for sharpening their carving tools.... and those things come SHARP.
Still, as much as i like it for gouges, v-tools and the like, knife edges especially grinding the edge facing the direction of rotation, is scairy... at least to me.
Thanks for your impressions. If i ever get into knife making, i'll definately look to the belt grinders.
just thought i'd chime in , i think most makers grind blades edge into the motion, it allows you to stay on center easier. But this thing with only 1/20 hp would probably take you hours to grind with
I think you guys are missing the use of this tool. It is a split lap used for sharpening and polishing,not grinding. It does not need high HP. The splits in the beveled lap allow you to see right through it when spinning at high speed.The laps are made in all types from cratex to hard felt. They will put a mirror polish on a smaller surface (wouldn't work for large blades) and are super at sharpening.Some wood carvers use them.You do have to be careful about the direction of the point and edge.
right you are. The thing is really great at short edges like chisels, gouges, v tools etc but it gets a bit scairy doing a knife edge when you have to flip the blade over so the edge faces the direction of rotation. Still its really a nice sharpening tool. I use one along with a Tormek at work, and prefer the Jooltool for quick sharpening jobs.